Just got back from an Ass emblee and most all experiences are now just videos of unbelievable stories that just can't be real. Also looking around the floor area seems like The Great Crowd has turned into the Great Big Crowd with a lot of seniors that have super sized themselves into Razoo riding zombies. I give them 10 years max and an alarming # of these large humans will be in paradise.
JoinedPosts by Betheliesalot
Circuit Assembly Experiences
by Tallon inmany years ago, in the congregation i attended at the time, there was a brother who had endured bad health over many years.
as result he underwent a number of operations - a couple being life saving operations.
at one or two circuit assemblies he was interviewed on the platform where he related how he endured ill health.. for me, i felt very uncomfortable listening to his experience and, i actually felt embarrassed for him because i have never been one to speak of any health issues i had, let alone publicise it from the platform.
Remember when
by blownaway ini remember when paterson was built.
the so called training facility.
we were told it was to teach elders what their job was after armageddon.
Overlapping was a tad too difficult to get elders to swallow, so its on the slow burner.
People will believe ANYthing no matter how insane
by TerryWalstrom ini started watching this guy's videos and it was like trying to eat just one potato chip.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrdoao1_rf0______https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8447ks90dk_______https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jufm8rtq1d0.
Ive been watching him for some time now, he would be great if he did his tricks next to a cart and showed Jehovah as a magical image@!
Why Do People Oppose Jehovah's Witnesses?
by BlackSpirit injesus christ, the son of the most high god, jehovah has this to say: "if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
now because you are no part of the world, but i have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
Col 1:16 adds the word "other" in your man made bible called the New world translation 4 times. Even your previous bibles had the word "other" in parenthesis. If you believe Rev 22:18, the translators of your bible are guilty of adding this word, even if it is just one word, they are guilty. Even their Kingdom Interleaner book does not have "other". This alone should condem this organization if you truly a truth seeker, but so many have been hoodwinked by them.
Only one real point per WT study...
by JW_Rogue inhas anyone else noticed that in the wt study articles the main point they want you to remember is always somewhere around paragraph 11-14?
it's like a formula.
intro and overview paragraphs 1-4. basic wt stuff 5-8 (not controversial).
Use to wake up around paragraph 17 or 18 and spend part of 19 in the restroom planning where to go to eat...
LEAKED: WHQ Accounts: 2016-2020 Budget
by Fay Dehr inleaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5] https://youtu.be/g08tw2v3b4s.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5] https://youtu.be/rpceb5v0vbe.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5] https://youtu.be/2xa08ukc_6i.
Jehovah,s chariot is moving oh so fast that money is falling off.
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jehovah%27s_witnesses%27_handling_of_child_sex_abuse.
"Give Up" 2018
Modern replacement for make sure of all things book
by Jehovahisgod inquestion please for one of jehovah's witnesses i'm doing some prison ministry.
you used to have the make sure of all things hold fast to what is fine book what is the modern equivalent of this book i need a book which lists the bible topics and where to actually find them in the bible can somebody give me a pointer?.
287 Jehovah,s in less than 3 minutes...
I may have found a clue to Watchtower's sudden reversal on organ transplants
by ILoveTTATT2 ini have read countless times in this site and others that there is speculation that someone high up in the watchtower world required an organ transplant, and then because of that, their position that they had held since 1967 changed in 1980.i believe i have found a clue to who that person might have been.
i leave it to the exjw community to investigate further, but it's tantalizing!it is waay too much of a coincidence that:lee cordaway got a phone call in january 1980 that his kidneys were failing.
lee was 18 years old at the time.watchtower printed its "organ transplants are allowed now" article in march 1980.. january 1981: lee goes into the organ donor list for new kidneys.august 1981: lee receives his new kidney.september 1981: lee's new kidney is rejected, he has to have it removed.
Is their residual blood inside a kidney that us suitable for transplant? Im sure they have to make sure that the blood type matches the recipient. So in effect the recipient is getting a small amount of blood with a kidney transplant, so the blood restriction is basically being rejected by accepting a small amount of blood inside the kidney.
A & E Cults-Barbara Anderson
by Joyzabel in16 years ago dateline's report on jw's and child abuse was aired may 28, 2002, a tuesday night and tonight a&e aired on may 29, 2018, tuesday night!.
i can't help but think how barbara has tirelessly worked to expose the child abuse issue within the watchtower/jw.org and is still working to not only expose the problem but to help change the laws in the usa to help protect children.
she has a wealth of information gathered for over 20 years on how the governing body protects the pedophile and not help the victims .
Maybe I will have something like this on to get total agreement about child abuse in the catholic church and then switch to A&E (on dvr) and say "hey look! another report on sex abuse , lets watch this one too!