This church has a good idea, to install security code locks and change the code every week.
my still in wife informed me this morning that she must be on time to the meeting as they are locking the door when it starts now.. i said that's crazy.
she said it's because of the times we are living in.. we live in a rural area and crime isn't terrible though it's worse than it used to be.. i told her if that's the way it is then why bother leaving the house at all?.
she said they are just trying to be safe.. is this a thing now?
This church has a good idea, to install security code locks and change the code every week.
sept 2018.
Philip said he spent 4 years to get his law degree. From what Iv googled, it takes 4 years of undergraduate and another 3 years of law school. Even in an interview, you can't trust these "snakes", Especially a Washtowel trained lawyer who has perfected the art of lying, because of his close proximity to the liars den.
Why do they bury lawyers 10 feet under instead of 6 feet under? A: Because deep down they are really nice people.
for you who have read my bio you will know i have been working on my wife to wake her up.
now i won’t call her awake yet but through a series of long conversations this week i revealed to her my dissenting toward the jw faith.
she was totally supportive of me assured me she would never think differently of me because of how i feel.
I showed my pimi spouse the video on A&E about Remy Maple and helped to open her eyes about men running the org and how they hide men from the authorities. If you have cable, you can watch it on their web page. Slowly i hope to show her the videos about the australian royal commission later. Its gonna take a lot of patience. Good luck.
as a "deep pimo" i can say that there is a confirmed re-branding.
the coordinators committee formed a focus group from service and teaching committees.
the results of that group roughly three+ years ago, with gb approval, trickled down to the other committees and eventually into what we have been seeing before our eyes in the org and local congs.. pick an organizational level and see the shift.
Just declare all pioneers as "infirmed" and they can quit counting hours. But I bet they will not stop counting the money...
sept 2018.
I suppose tight pants Morris and this fool have been to a doctor that went to a "higher level of education"other than Theo,s cradic school of Spiritism.
my still in wife informed me this morning that she must be on time to the meeting as they are locking the door when it starts now.. i said that's crazy.
she said it's because of the times we are living in.. we live in a rural area and crime isn't terrible though it's worse than it used to be.. i told her if that's the way it is then why bother leaving the house at all?.
she said they are just trying to be safe.. is this a thing now?
This is one reason churches lock their doors, to keep out the riff raff.
my still in wife informed me this morning that she must be on time to the meeting as they are locking the door when it starts now.. i said that's crazy.
she said it's because of the times we are living in.. we live in a rural area and crime isn't terrible though it's worse than it used to be.. i told her if that's the way it is then why bother leaving the house at all?.
she said they are just trying to be safe.. is this a thing now?
Just remember last year in Texas a mentally disturbed individual went into a rural church and killed 26 people. The only thing that kept him from killing all was a neighbor who heard the shots and he went and got his ar 15 and shot back. I asked one elder about that time, are they arming any brothers at assemblies and he wouldn't talk about it. I assumed they are, just to have a 1st responder there.
hey guys, so, i went to the hall today with my parents (they needed a ride) and there was this song that i wasn't familiar with.
must be a new song or i might be simply ignorant of jw songs (i hate them).
to my surprise i actually liked this song.
I think the Mormoms have the wash tower beat as far as production and quality is concerned. Their music is so appealing and inspirational, I for a second thought, its just a song..
hello to all the active jehovah's witnesses lurking on here, or those having doubts.
seriously, i welcome you.. i was explaining to one of my friends recently about how the watchtower society uses it's members to make them money every day without them even realizing it.
How much have each one of us wasted on fuel and car repairs driving to and fro, giving away free rides to cheapskates and tight wads, who also would mooch on your account for free food. I bet it would add up to a tidy sum, possibly enough to have a nice retirement fund. Someone should have a class action sue to recover these monies that were scamed from so many.
does anyone else remember a brochure/ magazine from the early 80s with stories of demon possessed individuals and spiritism ?
i dont think i saw it around very long.
it had a story about some lady having her head snapped around by a demon.
After reading these "demon stories" written by the WT writing department, is proof that most all other "stories" about experiences and the like are all just made up lies. Thanks Anderson for exposing this sinister organization.