1980s Brochure/magazine on demon possession?

by caves 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • caves

    Does anyone else remember a brochure/ magazine from the early 80s with stories of demon possessed individuals and spiritism ? I dont think I saw it around very long.

    It had a story about some lady having her head snapped around by a demon. It was graphic and scary for a little tike that I was then.

    What was the name of it? Where did it go?

    When I was in trouble which was often, I was made to read it.

  • snugglebunny
    • This is from the WT, Dec 15, 1966:




      One under demon attack should calmly, not in hysteria, investigate his house and household articles. In some few cases the house may be the cause of trouble and the best thing to do is move out. Some demons delight in haunting a place. So if you experience trouble shortly after moving into a house, investigate. Was the house unoccupied for a long time? Why? Did people frequently move in and out? Why? Does it have a history of being haunted? Neighbors usually know, though the seller of a house almost always keeps the fact concealed.

      But if a house has a clean history, instead of moving out, investigate objects in the house. If you at one time practiced black magic, witchcraft or other form of spiritism, did you burn up all articles relating to demonism upon learning of God?s truth? Get rid of every vestige of demonism. What did the early Christians in Ephesus do? On learning true Christianity they burned up all their magic books, even though their value was an astounding 50,000 pieces of silver! (Acts 19:18, 19) It would have been exceedingly dangerous to keep such works on how to perform the magical arts; in fact, to keep any appendage of demonism is perilous. One must be absolutely free of any relics of spiritism, so as to allow the demons no beachhead.

      A vital question to ask if one experiences trouble with the demons is: Have you accepted any gifts from relatives or persons who dabble in spiritism? Any kind of article from such a person can cause trouble. In some actual cases it has been a radio, a sewing machine, a pair of shoes, jewelry, a "good luck" charm, a bathrobe, a blanket, a book. One woman had her bed tipped up at night when she tried to sleep on a mattress given her by her Spiritualist mother. A young woman had a fever of 106 degrees when wearing a garment given her by a Spiritualist.

      Another Christian woman kept a handbag given her by an aunt who was a fortune-teller. Using the handbag in the ministry, she experienced powerful thoughts of "Go home!" Bad thoughts rushed into her mind almost audibly, all of them anti-kingdom. She could not understand herself, as these negative thoughts entered her mind as if by telephone, so that she complained of "hearing herself think." Only after getting rid of the handbag did she get relief.

      Sometimes keeping a letter from a spiritistic relative has brought trouble. Some persons have reported gaining relief by burning letters from relatives who dabble in spiritism. Even if an article from a spiritist is an expensive one, is keeping it worth the danger? One woman was tormented for years by the demons; finally she got rid of many household effects that came from a spiritistic relative. "The material loss," she wrote, "was worth the peaceful calm that came over our house and family."

      That objects from spiritists are implicated is clearly evident because relief almost invariably follows getting rid of them. The principle is similar to that used in sorcery, in which the demonist wishing to cast a spell will transfer an object into the possession of the intended victim.

      However, sometimes objects through which demons make contact resist burning, indicating demonic anger at efforts to destroy them. Some persons have found it difficult to burn up ouija boards or books on occultism. Others have reported experiences similar to that of the woman who had much distress at home after wearing a dress originally belonging to a witch. Learning of the source of trouble, she set out to burn it. "We poured gasoline on it, so it would burn quickly; but what amazed us very much was the fact that the dress did not want to burn." Persist in your efforts to get rid of suspicious objects and relief in some measure usually follows.

      When investigating objects, be reasonable, however. Do not burn up everything in fearful panic. Pray for Jehovah?s direction in your investigation, and he will deliver you from the wicked one.<<<<<<

  • Anders Andersen
  • caves

    Anders Anderson- Thank you thats not the one i remember but Near the beginning it said 'brothers have had difficulty burning "demonic" things even with gasoline.' then later it says--- 84. Wood is still just wood no matter how much men may work on it. That is why a wooden image can be burned up and destroyed just like any other piece of wood. It cannot protect itself from being destroyed. And the same is true of cloth or string or mud or stone or seeds or anything else that men may use to make some object for spiritistic worship. They can all be destroyed in one way or another. If these things cannot protect themselves, they certainly cannot protect others.

    So does a demonic gas infused smurf stuffed animal ,for example might not burn or have a hard time burning due to to much demonic influence? But idol used for "false worship" would burn up. Weeeeeeeeee..........

    Who writes this crap?

    Doesn't seem like there are magazines like this out anymore from the borg.

    Snugglebunny-Another Christian woman kept a handbag given her by an aunt who was a fortune-teller. Using the handbag in the ministry, she experienced powerful thoughts of "Go home!" Bad thoughts rushed into her mind almost audibly, all of them anti-kingdom. She could not understand herself, as these negative thoughts entered her mind as if by telephone, so that she complained of "hearing herself think." Only after getting rid of the handbag did she get relief.

    So much for the Holy spirit being with her in the field ministry. Im sure she counted her time as well.

  • caves

    Sometimes keeping a letter from a spiritistic relative has brought trouble. Some persons have reported gaining relief by burning letters from relatives who dabble in spiritism.

    "Somtimes"? So which is it? If your getting a letter from a 'spritistic' relative do you wait until plates start flying around the room or get a fever before you throw it away?

    Or does that, in my case, apply when I have sent anniversary cards that I was told were burned because jehovah doesnt approve of me? Really ? an anniversary card?

    My bio parents used to send me toys and my great aunt that raised me from 4 1/2 to 12 would rip them up in front of me and call them demonic.

    Can you imagine being ripped away from your parents in to the JW world wanting your parents so bad only to get a letter and toy from your mom or dad and have it destroyed in front of your face while blaming me for "satan being attracted to me." (jw great aunts words). What a total mind F@#%.

    I was told my parents were satanic.And after a couple of years letters came no more. Before I left at 12 I found boxes of letters. The ones that never came. I was infuriated. And heartbroken for my parents.

    I hope she( jw great aunt) enjoyed destroying her own niece my mother. I digress.


  • slimboyfat

    Spirits of the Dead - Can they help you or harm you? Do they really exist?

    PDF with revised cover here:


    Original cover here:


  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Caves I seem to remember a Awake maz. with a real spooky picture of a demon on the cover page. We hated showing it to the public. Still Totally ADD

  • Xanthippe
    In some few cases the house may be the cause of trouble and the best thing to do is move out. - WT, Dec15, 1966

    Wow snugglebunny 1966 was the year we moved house because my mum was terrified of demons. She'd heard that the area we lived was an ancient burial ground. We left JW friends five doors away and even gave up our pets. I remember giving away our piano to a neighbour across the road. It was an old one so she probably thought that was demonised too.

    That watchtower article has a lot to answer for. She never stopped throwing second hand stuff out even after that. Things handed down from loving relatives. Things we needed!

  • sir82

    That WT article is a special kind of crazy.

  • steve2

    What do these nutters propose you do if your newly purchased house is allegedly demon possessed? Abandon it? Of course not. The adivce to dispose of things applies only to disposable handbags or the occasional cheap piece of jewellery.

    I heard a story involving the local JWs in the late 1970s who were entrusted to look after the personal property and private possessions of an older JW who became mentally unwell and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for several months. The idea got around that she was spirit possessed (in fact, the poor thing simply had a diagnosable psychotic episode). So what did the local JWs do? They moved all her property and possessions from inside their dwelling to a loft in a barn which was rat infested and not water proof.

    But get this: They not only kept all her electrical appliances inside their dwelling but continued to use them. Getting rid of items definitely has its limits!

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