I'm trying to learn as much as I can about life as a JW in the UK (for obvious reasons if you read my thread!) Just trying to get my head around what all the rules are...
JoinedPosts by CuriousUK
REAL life of a JW!
by Silent_Scream inborn into jw family.
5 years old - you are told celebrations and gifts on those days are from satan.
therefore, in school, your an weird outcast.
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
Thanks for explaining further Nugget... It just seems very very sad that it must be for young JWs who know no different... I suppose I have a hope that some sort of miracle will occur and he will find his way out for me.... Sadly this is real life and not a romantic film with a happy ending...
I have sent him a very long email tonight, not directly talking about this issue, but just explaining from the heart about how I actually feel about the confusion (without blaming him). I just hope part of the message will get past all the conditioning and brainwashing and actually through to the real man that I know...
REAL life of a JW!
by Silent_Scream inborn into jw family.
5 years old - you are told celebrations and gifts on those days are from satan.
therefore, in school, your an weird outcast.
Wow. Just wow...
REAL life of a JW!
by Silent_Scream inborn into jw family.
5 years old - you are told celebrations and gifts on those days are from satan.
therefore, in school, your an weird outcast.
Being a non JW (but with a strong connection to a JW) I find this fascinating. It really helps me understand what his life must have been like growing up... He is 27 now and single.... does the fact he sends me at least four texts a day mean that "officially" we are dating?
A serious question.... I do not want you to think I am making light of the situation
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
Now there is a skill!
Doesn't text me for what feels like ages, then I get back online and start posting again, and he suddenly texts me....
If he is reading this; I am glad he is here and glad he is reading!
Easter, The Passion, Bunnies and Chocolate.
by LouBelle inthe first most important thing is that we have a loooooooooong weekend to chill, take in the sunshine (cos it's going to be hot in durbs).
the second most important thing is chocolate this year!
i've already had chocolat cake, chocolate covered marshmellow eggs and chocolate :) all notions of healthy eating - outta the window.. i know there is a ton of stuff on christ's death and resurrection - what i will watch are probably the doccies that go more into the facts and details of that time period - dstv (our sa cable) usually shows a number of these shows, find them very fascinating.. so to the christians that celebrate their lords death and resurrection - happy easter.
Hi all... Sorry to jump in here... I have a thread elsewhere and thought I would come and play too!
I'm a member of the Church of England, but am fed up of the commercialism here in the UK over Easter... Every TV advertisement is about Easter eggs, meals for Easter, alcohol deals for Easter... and absolutely no religious content whatsoever. It has just become another excuse to eat too much, drink too much, and have two days off work for a festival that most people don't believe in anyway... drives me mad...
Churches are full of "twice yearlies" - the people who only attend at Christmas and Easter because they think that is the right thing to do to be "a good Christian"...
Sorry, rant over.... :)
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
"It's very interesting that he is not a born-in JW but a convert. In my time with the JW's I've met many converts from Anglican, Catholic and Methodist backgrounds. Almost without exception, they are every bit as indoctrianted and zealous as born-ins and in many cases more so."
Nothing wrong with being cynical - I agree! Since he was reproved, I have been very aware he has been doing everything he can to repair his weak image with the congregation, and it feels like he is almost trying too hard to make up for not being born in... And I think he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing in bringing me to the JWs and "saving" me, despite my own personal religious beliefs. I also am starting to understand the personal struggle he must be having in wanting to see me and spend time with me, but trying to balance that with his beliefs... He knows what is expected of him as you say, but there is a chink in his armour. I sometimes describe us as being each others kryptonite!
The indoctrination must be so strong, and I am glad that he is thinking about moving away from living with his Witness grandparents and getting his own place in a larger town, as one poster said earlier (or possibly on another thread), it might give him chance to see the wider world differently, without the small town constraints and mentality of everyone snooping on each other and reporting back every misdemanour to the KH... I am not saying that this will give us a chance to be together properly, but at least he might find some freedom.
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
Does this double life happen a lot with JW men? I have been reading other threads on this forum and it seems that there are a lot of guys who seem to have these "religion breaks" where they go out and have whatever fun they like, then return penitent later...
Whilst I truly believe that the behaviour of my JW man is not maliciously playing with my emotions or just out for fun (he had plenty of opportunity to make a move on me when we were alone recently and didn't). I think he just doesn't know what he wants.
I'm learning so much about JW here, and I am greatly appreciative of all the comments. I just wish that JW was as inclusive and tolerant as other religions and that we could just co-exist without either of us changing
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
I am having serious problems with PM (reading and sending) so apologies to those of you that have messaged me - I am not deliberately ignoring you.
jgnat - if you are still following this thread, I tried to email you through your hotmail address, but it bounced straight back
In love with a JW...
by CuriousUK inapologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
I think I am probably more confused now about him than I was when I started this thread! Having read other threads today, I am glad that my situation might be helping others too...
When we met up and had dinner it wasn't like I was spending time with a JW; it just felt like I was spending time with the man I fell in love with... But when we were talking later about the JW questions that I have, it felt like I was talking to an entirely different person...
But since then, he hasn't really spoken to me at all... I wonder if seeing me has confused him all over again. Not confused enough to question the validity of his beliefs, but enough to feel he has to distance himself again.
I would really like to hear more from jgnat; found her post so fascinating... All the advice has been amazing, but hers is the first story I have heard where it actually has worked out.