"It's very interesting that he is not a born-in JW but a convert. In my time with the JW's I've met many converts from Anglican, Catholic and Methodist backgrounds. Almost without exception, they are every bit as indoctrianted and zealous as born-ins and in many cases more so."
Nothing wrong with being cynical - I agree! Since he was reproved, I have been very aware he has been doing everything he can to repair his weak image with the congregation, and it feels like he is almost trying too hard to make up for not being born in... And I think he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing in bringing me to the JWs and "saving" me, despite my own personal religious beliefs. I also am starting to understand the personal struggle he must be having in wanting to see me and spend time with me, but trying to balance that with his beliefs... He knows what is expected of him as you say, but there is a chink in his armour. I sometimes describe us as being each others kryptonite!
The indoctrination must be so strong, and I am glad that he is thinking about moving away from living with his Witness grandparents and getting his own place in a larger town, as one poster said earlier (or possibly on another thread), it might give him chance to see the wider world differently, without the small town constraints and mentality of everyone snooping on each other and reporting back every misdemanour to the KH... I am not saying that this will give us a chance to be together properly, but at least he might find some freedom.