Many thanks for replying jgnat... It is so interesting to hear about it from your point of view, and I will certainly check out that link you provided...
And thank you ilikecheese - I might well drop you a PM :)
apologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
Many thanks for replying jgnat... It is so interesting to hear about it from your point of view, and I will certainly check out that link you provided...
And thank you ilikecheese - I might well drop you a PM :)
apologies if this has been discussed before, but i am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from jw?.
was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed?
or a slow realisation over time?
I can't actually say what kind of person my JW is.... I know he is intelligent, kind, loving, funny as a man away from the JWs. He lives with his JW grandparents and has a "worldly" career with British Gas. He was Church of England and then was converted (not sure how old). His parents are no longer JW, and neither is his sister, who is married with children. He has a lot waiting for him on the outside...
He nearly left when we first met; something he explained as a weakness due to something that happened, which he has never explained to me. All I know is when he confessed his relationship with me and he was nearly disfellowshipped, they did an amazing job on him, but he still came to see me in private to explain the situation and we held each other and cried together...
i was not home at all last week.
only my husband was here.
when we finally met up together this weekend, i turned on a burner on the stove.
I wish I could "like" your post Lore.... What was the first best bit of marriage advice you were given?
apologies if this has been discussed before, but i am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from jw?.
was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed?
or a slow realisation over time?
I'm finding this fascinating - thank you to all who have replied so far. It gives me hope that my JW will hopefully begin to see the light at some point (he's an intelligent man, working as a plumber and an electrician, so he should be!)
I have really appreciated the insights, thank you x
born into jw family.
5 years old - you are told celebrations and gifts on those days are from satan.
therefore, in school, your an weird outcast.
apologies if this has been discussed before, but i am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from jw?.
was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed?
or a slow realisation over time?
Thanks for that bigmac... I might be calling on your valuable experiences to help my friend :)
i was not home at all last week.
only my husband was here.
when we finally met up together this weekend, i turned on a burner on the stove.
I used to live with someone who could only be described as a 35 year old child... I would clean and tidy every day, make the bed, put everything right... and then go to work... I would come home to find the place in an absolute state all over again. I wouldn't describe myself as a clean freak, but it was exhausting to have to come home to that every day...
When I was away from home for longer periods, it was even worse. When I lived alone and knew that I was going away for a number of days, I would change the bed linen, clean and tidy everything - so that when I came home I could just fall into bed and not worry about dirty dishes or washing clothes. With him, it was like a toddler had been on a rampage... I would find sweet wrappers shoved down the side of the cushions of the sofa, a mountain of dirty dishes...
He was university educated, but had moved straight back into his parents hotel after finishing, and as a result, his mother waited on him hand and foot for ten years... He just simply didn't have a clue how to do the simplest of household tasks...
It seemed like a bit of a joke at first, but it was emotionally wearing and I really grew to resent him, as it felt like he didn't care about me or my feelings... but I actually think it was his mothers fault for babying him...
apologies if this has been discussed before, but i am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from jw?.
was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed?
or a slow realisation over time?
Thanks for those replies - Chariklo, I'll keep an eye on my PMs! (Now I know how they work!)
I hope I am not annoying anyone with my probably silly questions - please let me know if I cross any lines, as I am genuinely not here to offend or annoy - just hopefully to learn and understand more. I have learned so much so far!
apologies if this has been discussed before, but i am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from jw?.
was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed?
or a slow realisation over time?
Hi all,
Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I am really very interested in finding out why members here left their congregations for lives away from JW?
Was there a "lightbulb" moment where you just woke up one day and realised that you had been brainwashed? Or a slow realisation over time? And what issues/topics were the ones to be the catalyst for that?
As some of you probably know from my other comments and my main thread in Dating & Relationships, I am not, and never have been JW, but I am very close to someone who is, and am very much trying to understand his world and what it is he actually believes and abides by... Hopefully with a view in the long term to getting him to realise how destructive a force the WT is on a young man's life and for him to choose to leave...
born into jw family.
5 years old - you are told celebrations and gifts on those days are from satan.
therefore, in school, your an weird outcast.
Chariklo - I get email too! I think he somehow thinks it isn't breaking the rules if he doesn't actually see me in person....
Been watching the other thread with the troll, and I am just really genuinely thankful to have found this forum. I have learned so much, and hopefully am gaining the tools required to gently extract the person I care about from being a JW (without him resenting me forever). Everyone here has been great; full of advice and the personal stories have influenced me greatly :)