The main thing was the statement that only the 144,000 had a Mediator. I felt that if I did not have Jesus as a my Mediator, I had nothing. I did not agree with that belief because I did not feel it was supported by the Bible. After reading "Crisis of Conscience" and learning that I was not the only one the disagreed with the org regarding the belief about Jesus being the Mediator of only the 144,000, I lost all confidence in the org. After that, I no longer trusted anything the org had to say, so I started comunicating with others who had left the borg and learned more about how the borg was not in line with the Bible. I am so glad I had the brains to leave,although I have paid a high price for that decision. I am an outcast, no one in my family has spoken to me since 1982 except for once at my mother's (a JW) funeral and another to yell at me for calling them to tell them to keep out of my personal business. Now, I am fine, although I wish I had a relationship with my family, I realize it will never happen.I am just thankful that left the borg before my children got baptized. We, my two children and I, are out and doing well.