Elderly probably place more magazines and books.
I think they will keep her as a faithful pioneer.
it will be interesting to see how things play out...but one example which got me to thinking about this is my mother.
my mom is a 76 year old regular pioneer (she is one of those who believes that you are "nothing" if you are not a pioneer...the position is everything)-.
i am moving in two weeks to go to grad school, so i have been trying to go out to visit...say goodbye...do things for her before i leave.
Elderly probably place more magazines and books.
I think they will keep her as a faithful pioneer.
i was just looking over this list of wt lies http://hourglass2.com/historical/the-list/list7_03.htm and found the following, circa 1906, in the middle of a self-justification by ct russell about his ex-wife:.
by 1903 mrs. russell had laid by in bank a little sum of money which evidently was consecrated to the injury of her husband.
the opportune time for its use came, and with it she published a new kind of tract .. to misrepresent me, to slander me.
Today they would be cleaning out the toilets!
Losers is way too mild!
Bat shit crazy stuff! Yeah and the JWs think that the "stones would surely cry out if it were not for Russell!" puke.
Now who in their bat shit crazy minds could believe that one! Shhhh,Jehovahs Witnesses!
I saw that years ago in the Proclaimers Book! I asked some elders about it and they believed it!
the owners of jehovahs-witness.net are very honest and decent individuals, he and she allow freedom of speech and the allowance of exchanging ideas.
this is not the case with other active and ex-jw information sites (won't post them, you know who they are) that refuse our allowance to disagree or point out their chronic slanted and often distorted perspective.
the watchtower provides us with enough material there is no reason we need to twist their material.
i've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
I only wished thirty five years ago,I had one person I could go to for help. At least now lurkers, disfellowshipped ones,and anyone who is affiliated with WT can come here! They are not alone.
People will figure out were they stand and believe but at least they can read ALL view points.
Villagegirl and many others were wondering the same things! So...
Simon and Steve thank you for helping many here understand.
the october watchtower 2014 is now up on jw org.
regarding the new covenant they write.
the governing body sets the scene in the first article by stating how they are like jesus and as humans they are sinless in god's eyes.. then on page 24 they state this.
I only need to read page 24 To unerstand the Governing Body has now made themselves God!( Nevertheless,we are fully aware of the benefits of cooperating with Jehovah in any adjustments....) Ok!
Hebrews 13:8
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. :-)
9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. :-)
Jehovah never made any ADJUSTMENTS therefore Jehovahs Witnesses are being carried away by ALL kinds of STRANGE doctrines.
It is that simple read scriptures to see if it fits!
God does not need to make adjustments!
FALSE TEACHINGS can destroy your life and families future.
i've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
Maranatha your right! and Welcome!
The name is miss leading! I think that would be a good name for this website.
Years ago this website had several good bibical debates based on the bible but it evolved just like the WTs doctrines! I doubt I understand the new JWs.
Look at it this way some Christian for exJW sites go the opposite way. They think they are the brotherhood of Christ and long to control others by the bible! Eldership is to help you. It is the Kingdom Hall all over again. They lack diversity and it is their way are the high way. Disfellowshipping you because you doubted Pauls letter then gang up on you like wolves! Calling you names by abusing the bible. Lack respect for ladies because of their elder mentality,disgrunted husband,or just hate women. Elders kissing each others by overly blogging as if they are the most important ones "closer" to Jesus.
At least here you know were everyone stands. Yeah I get tired of the Atheist but considering what Steve stated I have some more understanding. Atheist get tired of my Christian out look.
What about the ones who were never JW, yet they are trying to help JWs. Some days you can have a good laugh.
the gospels were written after paul's epistles.
this is commonly acknowledged by both apologist and neutural bible scholars.
yet we see that paul says clearly in 2 corinthians 11:4 that persons were preaching different versions of jesus and different gospels before the orthodox canonized gospels were written:.
Smiddy what is your understanding as to why?
Here us what I understood because the King Jame Bible use the name of God,Jehovah.
And Rutherfords group captured readers hearts toward the name as something that should be known. Let Your Name Be known
Considering King James placed the name with LORD.
Anybow,back to the subject maybe there were other Jesus besides Lord Jesus.
doesn't it seem like the gb doesn't like to give any authoriy to jesus?
seems like they only want it for themselves..
Have you ever heard a talk yet on just Jesus Christ words? They mixed scriptures and it gets people believing in another Jesus.
If you compare NWT Jesus words with other bibles it reads different.
How can they take scriptures to prove they follow Jesus when it is twisted.
GB has a fake Jesus.
How would you give Jesus authority?
i have been an elder for 6 years.
it's been the last 2 years or so that i've really seen the hypocrisy, but the ability to know the shenanigans of the society through the body of elders letters has kind of kept me in there.
i'm to the point now that i can't stand the hatred and bitterness that the body of elders has towards myself and my whole family.
Screw them! Why do you feel you need to tell those elders anything! Stepping down is bull.
Just leave and do not answer your phone.
Why bother caring about stepping down. Just walk out.
It is not like leaving a job! Are you going to use them on your resume? No!
You might want to shake the dust off your shoes.
Your wife will get over you not attending.
i have been an elder for 6 years.
it's been the last 2 years or so that i've really seen the hypocrisy, but the ability to know the shenanigans of the society through the body of elders letters has kind of kept me in there.
i'm to the point now that i can't stand the hatred and bitterness that the body of elders has towards myself and my whole family.
How your feeling about your relationship with your wife is just a thought. Not in love today can chamge tomorrow.
Take it slow.
Stepping down as an elder will probably help you with your relationship. In fact that would be a good reason to step down. You want to spend more time nurturing your family. You will look like a super good guy! Although you probably are a super good guy!
Have a great day! Enjoy making your escape out of the eldership instead of dreading it. It all about perspective and doing a litlle I am out of here dance. Booty dance. Texas two step or New York swing.