Ditto to Giordano. Besides, he may not believe in the Military. We should respect others' philosophy.
Befree, I can agree you more with your determation for higer education.
Now that I realize your dad is stepdad to you, hummmmm.............. I hope he has your best interest. My children were raised by step-father. I admit, as much as wonderful step-father, better than real dad in many way, he was to my children, he was less tolerant and more strict with my children than his own. I did not always stood up for my children but gave in to his headship decision.(I feel I was treated as a second citizen then. I was finally respected and appreciated once I put my food down and stood up for myself and my children). I wish I can talk to your mother. Can you talk to your mother about it?
Even though your step-dad is the head of house in Jehovah's Witnesses land, your mother need to understand it is her(unless your step-dad adopted you) that has the last saying on you. When I called the Service Department a few ago on the issue regarding my child, they ignored my husband in the conversation since he was a step-dad. I was told I am responsible for my children not their step-dad. Either way, it doesn't matter what they think, your mother has your best interest than any of them. You need to help her to realize that. Your mother should tell her husband, "it's nice to known your opinion but no thanks. it's my son and this is what I want."
I am glad you feel better. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Edit: As a side note, my eldest is graduating with Master Degree in Psychology at age 22. She is considering joining the Airforce upon her graduation in seeking PHD. Her tuition, housing, salary will be paid by the Militay while taking schooling. Can't beat that)