Oompa, I had no idea this is what you went through. I posted on another thread that JWs will trun into Manson's girls if the GB order them to. You will trully appreciate my point Only if you actually had tasted a fraction of their unbelivable cruel potential in the name of the Governing Body!
It is disturbingly a dangerous cult!
If any one out there believing the Watchtower won't DA/DF you for receiving blood transfusion. Pleas read this thread! The borg may have claimed one thing but I tell you as one who have not missed JWs meetings more than 2 dozen times in last 25 years, the borg has not changed their principle stance on this Jim Jones level doctrine.
It porbably has to do with legal reasons, if anything, for the explaination of different outcome on this doctrine by the Borg.
The Watchtower will say anything shamelessly as they go if it benefit and protect them. And the borg cowardly turn around beat the crap out of you for not abiding their rules for 100% and fail to show your complete obedience to their authority for 100%. That's what coward bully do. The bully brown nose to someone bigger and yet pick on those smaller than he is.
I hope you are having better days, Opmpa.