The "fix" worked.
Save for introducing the general topic in the first place, I can't add much of substance to the twelve tribe - twelve zodiac sign debate. I cannot say whether the number of tribes and signs in the zodiac is coincidental or not and not sure how far the present day zodiac signs go back into antiquity. In current day astrology there is a dis-connect between dates and signs of about one sign, so whenever one uses the convention for locating stars in the sky based on calendar "signs", it's good to use windage in aiming.
Looking at calendar systems several years ago, it looked to me like the Hebrew calendar was derivative of the Babylonian. The months sounded similar, it started in the spring and used the same sort of extra month corrections to compensate effects of 365 day years with 30 day increments.I believe this was lunar vs. the Egyptian solar calendar. Yet the oldest calendrical records found in Jerusalem appear to be based on an autumn start... The Exodus account seems to be based on the Babylonian-like calendar while the events are supposed to be occurring in a society with a solar calendar.
I don't remember any accounts of the ancient Hebrews investing nearly as much energy in observing the sky as their Mesopotamian neighbors - or leaving considerable astronomical records. Hence, that's why I would be inclined to say theirs Babylonian derived rather than vice versa. As to Babylonian astrology, I that was a rather late development, but also a consequence of collecting a lot of data and trying to correlate it with something. Back in the sixties, I remember how cancer researchers correlated cancer with cranberries. And they weren't Babylonians.
It is odd as well that Daniel purports to be about an Israelite who learns to be a soothsayer in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, but yet neither the first or third person account tells us anything about Babylonian astronomy. Only that Daniel was the best dream interpreter of any of them. That seems to be a sacred calling now very much in neglect. I don't think the current authorities have any dreams, much less anyone to call on to have them interpreted. But I also had a hard time, in given episode or chapter, getting a grasp on which ruler of Babylon Daniel was supposed to be talking to or working for...