Oh I dunno, I can think of at least one word for which the "F" would suffice....
I wonder what the F would stand for
my avatar is my personal plate on my mg sports car.. some years back a friend gave me a small model very similar to my car.. only today i noticed the number plate--spooky !.
Oh I dunno, I can think of at least one word for which the "F" would suffice....
I wonder what the F would stand for
good to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of jw.org.
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for jw.org in the next 12-24 months.
road to nowhere30 minutes agoI have heard a few say they are not looking forward to going back to meetings. even with the drawbacks of zoom.
That is like someone leaving an abusive relationship and longing to go back because he/she is lonely and temporarily forgets the reason why he/she left in the first place. Elderly JWs are bored and will want to go back for the social interactions since, the Zoom things is just not cutting it. These same elderly ones will later appreciate Zoom when they have to travel at night or during bad weather.
Most JWs miss the social aspects but don't want the hassle of always travelling. If there is a mixture of Weekday Zoom and Weekend physical presence, that will really be blessings from Yahweh.
its been strangely quiet on here lately about covid..or isnt it news any more.
the " not a pandemic" brigade have been noticably absent about the situation in india..
So the latest surge is due to huge gatherings that took place recently. It seems people forget there was a pandemic.
Perspective is key. If you think COVID is bad where you live, move to India, you probably won’t die of COVID there.
@AnonyMous, you made some good point in your post. Statistics alone don't explain the issue with Corvid. Even if there are less deaths due to Corvid when compared to other issues in India, the difference with Corvid19 is that it is more contagious than death due to lack of proper sanitation. When you then add the fear mongering surrounding Corvid, it makes the situation more dire and it is then easier to lose perspective.
this is interesting.. you've probably heard of "asymptomatic spread" which is, people who are infected with the virus and are spreading it, but who have no symptoms.. but is it accurate?
is it supported by the statistics?.
this video analyses the facts and concludes that we've been given misinformation due to faulty testing.
Here in Britain, if a person dies 28 days after a positive test, even if he gets hit by a truck, he'll be added to the Covid deaths stat. It's ridiculous.
So true
He died during the pandemic so let's just add him to the stats
actors' acceptance speeches have often been a little dodgy - viewers don't care what political or social views actors may have, we typically appreciate actors acting well.. this year's oscars awards ceremony seems to be going above and beyond, however.. here's frances mcdormand's acceptance speech, in which she dedicates her victory to 'our wolf' and then howls like a bitch, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-_be0awgwk.
The constant changing of language and definitions of words by the democrats is like keeping up with JW's and their cultish language. When I come home from work and walk by the television in the hotel lobby, it is tuned to CNN. All they talk about is racism for weeks at a time. I don't quite get their statistical mind warp. Police had shot as many blacks as whites, but, supposedly, since there are more whites in the general population, then blacks are twice as likely to be shot by police as whites. I paused and said, well, wait, you have 1 of x times black criminals and 1 of x times white criminals shot by police. That indicates that the police are pretty straight up equal and consistent between shooting blacks and whites as far as criminals.
Is this really about the Woke movement or more about ratings and viewership. If we lump everything together the message gets muddled. The media will do anything to get ratings. "Police shoots an (innocent angel christian criminal) black person" that right there is good television and click bait title. The masses will be lap it up and will ask for more.
Not everything is Dems vs Rep. Politicians will dance to whatever tune will get them re-elected and it is that simple. They don't really care about the people they are supposed to represent. The Dems vs Rep is like the JW vs Catholic Church. It is religion/business and they will do whatever it takes to keep the aid/fleece the worshipers.
Woke is trending now and media/politicians will ride it until the wheels fall off.
actors' acceptance speeches have often been a little dodgy - viewers don't care what political or social views actors may have, we typically appreciate actors acting well.. this year's oscars awards ceremony seems to be going above and beyond, however.. here's frances mcdormand's acceptance speech, in which she dedicates her victory to 'our wolf' and then howls like a bitch, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-_be0awgwk.
It's amazing that anyone ever listens to anything they have to say. They must collectively be one of the least educated groups known to man.
Just think when you were at school, who did "drama class".
Never the bright kids ... right?
Generalization! That might depend on the school as well.
Is the woke movement really new or is it a reflection of society? Society is moving in a different direction and Hollywood is following the shift.
When Salman Rusdhie wrote Satanic Verses, some people put a Fatwa on his head and the West and politicians stood by him. Those types of values are long gone. Now, some journalist was killed in an embassy and dismembered and everyone kept quiet because you have to kiss up to get the black gold flowing.
The point is that society is changing and it is forcing actors and politicians to move in that same direction. It is not about the "bright kids". It is about survival for most actors and politician when you live in a cancel culture. If your livelihood depends on it, it leaves you little room to maneuver.
Back in the 70s film ratings were introduced so that adult content will not corrupt the christian values of society. Today, there is sex everywhere and you don't even have to search for it. Most of those who were horny teenagers in the 70s didn't appreciate the censorship. Fast forward to 2021, Woke movement is everywhere and it is being criticized. It will have its day and like everything else, it will become normal and part of society.
Change is coming and there is little anyone can do about it.
actors' acceptance speeches have often been a little dodgy - viewers don't care what political or social views actors may have, we typically appreciate actors acting well.. this year's oscars awards ceremony seems to be going above and beyond, however.. here's frances mcdormand's acceptance speech, in which she dedicates her victory to 'our wolf' and then howls like a bitch, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-_be0awgwk.
My girlfriend and I always watched the different awards shows. The shows are so woke now, it’s just not interesting! I never have cared what an actor thinks. Like they should be preaching to us what we should think?? Please.
LOL, you had to do a double take to make sure you were not watching JW Broadcasting sunday service
here are some questions to ask witnesses.
how would you alter or improve or add to them?.
transparency questions.
Martin Luther is responsible for having 7 books removed from the Bible. Luther's list of books to remove also included Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation. The reason Luther wanted to have all these books removed was because these books conflicted with his teaching of of saved by faith alone without works. Does your Bible translation remove the same 7 books because your religion teaches saved by faith alone?
this is a valid question but most JWs don't care too much about bible history and how it got here.
Why do those who take the lead in your religion refuse to apologize, let alone acknowledge, their mistakes in doctrine, later changed, that adversely affected your membership such as those who went to prison for not accepting mandatory alternative service offered in lieu of compulsory military service by the government or of those who died for refusing to accept medical treatment involve blood fractions?
You will be surprised by how little those in the org know about their religion and some of its inner workings.
i don't think anyone has mentioned that the february 2021 study wt (p. 15, 16; par.
8) changed wt's long standing view on headship within the congregation.
wt used to view all baptized males as being the head of all baptized sisters.. this view led to such absurdities as a sister having to wear a head covering on a bible study because her baptized 10 year old son was sitting in on the study with her.
The sister is speaking in the congregation *** under the auspices, control of a male (the conductor) , his headshio.
*** in violation of the "lords commandments in 1 Cor 14 and 1 Tim. 2. silence ladies please, how pleasing.
good point @waton,
How convenient for the WT.
actors' acceptance speeches have often been a little dodgy - viewers don't care what political or social views actors may have, we typically appreciate actors acting well.. this year's oscars awards ceremony seems to be going above and beyond, however.. here's frances mcdormand's acceptance speech, in which she dedicates her victory to 'our wolf' and then howls like a bitch, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-_be0awgwk.
IXAV, I don't give a rats ass about some microphone holder in Hollyweird. The only time I will pay for a movie is when I agree with the message and its a vote from me to support it. I.E. No safe spaces or some other movie about how the left is destroying the nation. Other than that I do buy Netflix but as for new releases its free of I pass. There are many ways to watch without paying these over paid idiots.
As the JW will say, Jah gave us free will