The Searcher said: There is absolutely no reason or justification to give anyone immortality
I believe I found a reason. Of course, whether anyone accepts that is another thing. The reason is based on the universal sovereignty issue. That was recently discussed here and I commented twice on it. But since the flow of the arguement was decidedly against such an issue even existing, I decided to retire from the thread. I might add that the explanation (that I've arrived at) is neither simple nor short.
Blondie said: I always wondered if humans would have children after the final test, 1000 years after Armageddon, because they would not be tested.
I also believe I found an answer to this. It is somewhat hypothetical, as I base it on inferences from several verses. And it also is related to the idea of universal sovereignty that I refer The Searcher to above.
You are right to point out that there could be no testing of new humans after the 'test' following the 1000 years since Satan and the demons would be gone for good.
That leaves two possibilities: (1) It is necessary to test every human who will ever come into existence. And since no further testing would be possible, then, no further humans would come into existence. Or (2) The testing has a specific purpose for those humans alive at that time and the results of that test do not require later humans to be tested. This possibility would allow for more humans to come into existence. Of course, the finite size of planet Earth would pose a problem.
Just as a 'teaser' of sorts, here are a couple of questions:
Why is the universe (the various stars and planets) so big? Even with the Hubble, very few planets can actually be seen. So, obviously (that is, if one believes in creation), it's not all there for our (earthly) viewing pleasure.
In regards to children, the Society likes to use the illustration of a cup being filled with water. According to them, you stop when it gets full. But is that the only way to solve that problem?
Take care Searcher and Blondie - from one who enjoys your posts very much.