Bobcat. I have wondered about the background music.
It is used to 'set the tone' of various parts of their videos. For example, when they have a video interview, you will inevitably hear background music. There is no need for this. They could just conduct their question and answer interview with the person or couple. But the background music that plays is intended to control how you feel about what is being said. And with WT interviews, everything that is said has been washed and scrutinized. You won't hear anything that is extemporaneous such as you might hear on a news interview. All such interviews are little more than propaganda exercises.
It is ironic that in years gone by the WT used to denigrate soap operas for their background music, which, admittedly, had the same purpose, to move you to feel for the characters. This might leave you feeling that a man was justified for cheating on his 'bad' wife. Now the WT is employing the same tricks.
I remember one elder who was interviewed during a KM school part about his college past. The interview followed the party line about higher education. But he admitted to me privately that he enjoyed his time in college. But you couldn't tell that from just listening to the interview.
Another time they wanted to interview a pioneer sister in our congregation about some experience she had with a Bible study using a certain book. Turned out the sister never used that book in the way the interview was supposed to demonstrate. But the brother conducting the interview was under pressure for the interview to demonstrate his outline point. In the end the sister made some sort of compromise that included ambiguous wording that was satisfactory to the brother conducting the part and the brother overseeing the convention parts. The sister was left with a somewhat bruised conscience.
It's all a great propaganda machine. And aside from the GB, everybody else is simply a cog in that machine.