Pretty much the same as Clearpoison has said, its helped me no end for the same reason.
I came in in my 20s, I had very poor communication skills, I remember one girlfriend asking me why I dont talk, I belive this stems from my childhood and being left alone in my room most of the time, with no social interaction.
Once I "got the truth", things happened, a girl I was quite attracted too, but said I was too nice as she preffered "bastards", suddenly called me out the blue to come and see her, of course I went with a Live forever book and the fire of Jeremiah in my mouth, she said, "its like you have been suddenly attached to a computer, where is all this coming from"?
Turned out I wasnt really shy at all, just never had anything worth talking about, and I still dont know how to talk about nothing, but the troof has given me the knowledge and confidence that I can talk to anybody.
And where as before I was allways sullen, now I smile at people and they smile back and become chatty with me on a dailly basis, (where I work now there are about 1000 people), this would never have happened without the ministry work.