Not according to many sources on the net that claim Iran allready has Sunburn missiles that are 10 years ahead of anything the Americans have and that the Americans will be in for a very nasty surprise.
Posts by Nambo
Doomsday e-mail has my co-worker paranoid
by fade_away ini cannot stand the doomsday people trying to spread fear amongst everyone.
i've had enough doom and gloom from the 25 years of my jw service...i just want to be happy and positive.
but my co-worker is very pessimistic, anti-social and an extreme negative energy all around.
Doomsday e-mail has my co-worker paranoid
by fade_away ini cannot stand the doomsday people trying to spread fear amongst everyone.
i've had enough doom and gloom from the 25 years of my jw service...i just want to be happy and positive.
but my co-worker is very pessimistic, anti-social and an extreme negative energy all around.
Err, dont you read the News?, this is common knowledge that Israel is really really pushing for America to attack Iran, and that they will therefore have to do it themselves, that America and Britain have rather a lot of big ships in the Persian Gulf, that Russia has supplied Iran with some very advanced missiles, (dont think scud), that China has said any threat to Iran is a threat to China even if it means World War 3.
No need for an e-mail, this is really happening.
What does your avatar/screen name mean?
by Christ Alone insome avatars and screen names are pretty self explanatory, but some...i can't figure out.
i just wanted to know why you chose your particular screen name and/or avatar.
mine is easy enough.
Back in the early 70s, a bunch of us were into old bikes and also into The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, first concert I went to at Hammersmith Odeon was recorded for their live album.
Alex had a Super Hero called Vambo who was allways, "coming to the rescue".
As a Naval Air Mechanic my rating was NAM 1St Class, and as I was allways coming to the rescue when one of the gang had a problem with their bike, I was nicknamed Nambo.
I know just how you felt Terry because I am in the same situation, my parents split up when I was 18 months old, but I dont remember my dad.
I found him again when I was 28 the day after asking Jehovah where he was, so I got to have an ok relationship with him, and I made a bit of an effort when a Dub to see my Mum, but I never told her I had found him,
so there I am, seeing both of them, but being unable to even imagine that they had ever actually met each other, its just so wrong, it really rips you up inside like you wouldnt imagine unless you experienced it yourself.
To be next to my Mother and Father at the same time, it would make me feel I was part of my own family instead of a parasite on someone elses family.
I can imagine how precious that photo must be, my Mother selfishly got rid of anything to do with my real father so I didnt even know what he looked like until I met him at 28.
Allthough its nowhere near as emotionally important to me, I also have a similar desire with all my half brothers and sisters being together at one time, nearest we got was 5 of us, Ive since met another one, and know of another two that none of the others ever met.
But it will never happen.
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
"I heard EXACTLY the same story of Chris de Burgh.
But it seems that it was about John Denver originally, and as he wasn't really known in Germany, German JWs replaced him with Chris de Burgh."
Ah!, now you say it was Chris de Burgh, I think I got this legend wrong about it being John Denver at all, yes, I think it was Chris de Burgh, and seeing how this is the same story from England and Germany, then maybe its...........................true!!!
Where in Germany are you from Processor?, my Father was from Dusselldorf his parents having been driven from Prussia.
Potential Panic About Gold
by metatron in
there have been wild rumors about the world's gold reserves for years - being faked with tungsten.
this latest discovery, involving some reputable dealers, could start a panic.. metatron.
Its not just Ron Paul, there is a general idea to go back on the Gold standard in order to aliveate the loss of confidnce in the fiat monetary system , the main obstacle is so little gold is mined these days that it wouldnt be able to keep up with growth.
Here in the UK, I was speaking to a Member of Parliament only last week who told me he was giving a talk on going back to the Gold standard as was George Osbourne, I said surely there isnt enough Gold in the world to cover the huge monetary debt, he said they would just have to put the price up! and I would be a millionaire!
Regarding the above article, were it says the bars were "hollowed out", looking at the pictures, I cannot see that this is the case, the Gold covering is so thin it wouldnt hold it shape if it was hollowed out this much, I thing these have been cast over tungstun ingots. The previous Tungstun scare claimed it was somebody at the very highest levels of this industry who were behind this, with the implication being most of the Gold at Fort Knox doesnt actually exist, its just tungsten that was never meant to be sold, just shown in order to create confidence in the dollar.
Why I Didnt Become A Jehovahs Witness
by Bangalore inwhy i didn't become a jehovah's witness.
Did you write that Bangalore?, are you a Houseparent to unwanted Children?
If so, even though I like you anyway from the old e-Watchman days, I like you even more now.
Can someone please explain why I'm NOT DF'd yet???
by Calebs Airplane ini have been sending one "apostate" email after another to an elder in my congo (who frequently does circuit and district convention parts) and i'm still not df'd.... i've even sent him a free pdf copy of "crisis of conscience" twice in the last 3 months (sorry cynthia franz), as well as emails about the whole spectrum of bullshit (607, 144k, 1935, blood, proof of lies, false predictions, etc...).
he vary rarely responds but i know he's reading them because he said so in a recent google chat.... he even acknowledged that the wt got 607 wrong but then says that i should look at the positives and stop finding fault.... but still... i sent some really strong gb-bashing emails and i'n not df'd.... i mean seriously, i've pushed the envelope as far as i possibly can.. what the hell is going on???
Maybe youve convinced his but his circumstances mean he has to endure.
Iam in a similar position in that the Min serv who took my book study group, was a fairly close friend, last time I bumped into him and his wife I told him all my apostate stuff, he refused to belive about the UN NGO business by the way, said he wouldnt even Google it, didnt want to know, anyway, hes obviouslt not taken it further, or maybe they DFed me behind my back?, can they do that?
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
The John Denver urban legend we used to get was that he asked Witnesses to leave because his trick of his guitar playing itself wouldnt work with Witnesses in the audience, demons would play it see!
Satan cast down from heaven in 1914????
by NeverKnew inso, give me credit... .
last night i had a discussion on spirituality with my jw friend.
our last few conversations, i didn't have the hang of the "line of questioning that gets them to think" technique down.
Its what they belive allright, they belive Michael is Jesus, and the first thing he did was cleanse the Heavens back in 1914.
Revelation 12
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”They also have some theory that what happens in Heaven, ie the war in heaven, is mirrored by events on Earth, in this case the first world war, not sure which scriptures they use to get this mirroring notion from.