"Sorry this was so rambly I guess what I was looking for is if any one else had any similiar experiences with others trying to keep them from marrying or dating someone else even in the congregation, when your technically not doing anything wrong."
Yep, happened to me and it has completly ruined my life.
I was courting a Sister from a congregation about 200 miles away, trouble is, she was of a higher Caste than me, she was of the Pioneer Caste so when she came to my congreagation, the Elders convinced her that she should stick to her own Caste so she ended the relationship.
Thing is, I never met a girl before and certainly not since that I like half as much, so I havnt had a girlfriend since 1992, nobody else does it for me, Iam now too Old anyway so face the rest of my life in hopeless loneliness. Anyone else would be a compromise and grossly unfair on them.
It also put me off Jehovah for about 10 years as I belived the Golden Calf actually spoke with Jehovahs voice and it was he telling me I wasnt good enough to marry one of his perfect JWs.
One of the things they told her about me was that I was missing a few meetings, like they expected me to attend my congregation whilst simultaneously attending hers 200 miles away.
Bunch of evil ists whatever ism can be applied to the Caste system.