If there is any "Wheat" amongst those "weeds", do not worry, Jesus himself will safely harvest them when the true time comes.
Posts by Nambo
Need Help With Questions From JW Discussion Group
by theopug inhey there all,.
i was da from a cong in northern new england back in the early 1990s for voting.
i did not write the letter, the elders did it for me.
One experience in our old Kingdom Hall that still HAUNTS me
by Newly Enlightened inthe following is a true experience and my daughter gojira101 will verify that it happened to her.
an experience from our family's past that still haunts me and started my questioning whether this is the true organization of god or not.. my daughter, who has always been a good kid, never gave us any problems [she's an adult now] started regular pioneering.
within a few weeks of her starting, she fell on a steep hill and tore open her knee and had to have several stitches.
Didnt Jesus warn about men who dressed as sheep but inside were ravenous wolves?
The JWs do seem to be featured in Biblical prophesy, just not the ones they claim.
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
How is fire involved if its refering to a Baptism of Christians along with Holy Spirit?
The fire is to "cleanse" the vessel, dear Nambo (peace to you!), so that God and Christ can dwell in it. Holy spirit (the blood, breath, and seed of God) grant life to the spirit IN the vessel once one has BEEN so cleansed and occupied by God/Christ - Isaiah 6:6, 7; Ezekiel 10:2; John 14:23; John 4:14; 7:37-39; Romans 8:9, 10; Ephesians 2:19-22
I even wonder if Jesus baptising in Fire and Holy Spirit means that there are two options only, you either get Baprised in the Holy Spirit, or you get Baptised in the Lake of Fire second death.
It does not. One is "baptized" with both, virtually simultaneously. The fire, then the spirit. Baptism represents a "death" and "resurrection"; however, there is no resurrection from the second death. Unlike the first death, both the body AND the spirit are destroyed at that time.
I hope this helps.
Sorry all, I know this is going off on a bit of a tangent from the main discussion, but I would like an answer and Iam afraid those scriptures you quoted AGuest do not help, the one from Isaiah tells us the coal that touched Isaiahs lips were to atone for sin, I belive for Christians it is Jesus sacrifice that atones for sin, not any cleansing by fire, and none of the other scriptures quoted back up fire being used to cleanse us, wasnt Jesus blood enough to cleanse us?
Now I felt a Baptism of Holy Spirit half hour after water baptism, I do not recall a feeling of being Baptised in Fire, would this be like a burning sensation?, anybody actually able to discribe what it felt like to be Baptised in fire?
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
Now I allways imagined Jesus baptising people in "Fire" could only refer to Jesus hurling them into Gehenna at the judgement at the end of the thousand years.
How is fire involved if its refering to a Baptism of Christians along with Holy Spirit?
I even wonder if Jesus baptising in Fire and Holy Spirit means that there are two options only, you either get Baprised in the Holy Spirit, or you get Baptised in the Lake of Fire second death.
All the Single Ladies put your hands up!
by mojonogo inhi, i read a lot on here, and i am still active, i get about 3 hrs a month in service so not really that active.
i know there are ones on here shaking their heads at me, i do believe the basic teachings, what brought me to post a thread was a thread that hit home, the topic of dating in the oganization, it brought up a lot of hurt feelings for me.
see, i used to pioneer and i basically burned out, i was working mon wed friday sat and sun 2nd shift so i could go to the meetings on tue and thurs.
"Sorry this was so rambly I guess what I was looking for is if any one else had any similiar experiences with others trying to keep them from marrying or dating someone else even in the congregation, when your technically not doing anything wrong."
Yep, happened to me and it has completly ruined my life.
I was courting a Sister from a congregation about 200 miles away, trouble is, she was of a higher Caste than me, she was of the Pioneer Caste so when she came to my congreagation, the Elders convinced her that she should stick to her own Caste so she ended the relationship.
Thing is, I never met a girl before and certainly not since that I like half as much, so I havnt had a girlfriend since 1992, nobody else does it for me, Iam now too Old anyway so face the rest of my life in hopeless loneliness. Anyone else would be a compromise and grossly unfair on them.
It also put me off Jehovah for about 10 years as I belived the Golden Calf actually spoke with Jehovahs voice and it was he telling me I wasnt good enough to marry one of his perfect JWs.
One of the things they told her about me was that I was missing a few meetings, like they expected me to attend my congregation whilst simultaneously attending hers 200 miles away.
Bunch of evil ists whatever ism can be applied to the Caste system.
Anyone ever know any Palmers from London UK?
by NoRegrets injust wondering if any of you ever knew any londoners with that surname.
one of them moved around doing construction work at several european branches and eventually moved to the us.
pm me if anyone wants and did know any of them.
All through high school I never learnt much because I was allways thinking of a girl called Thelma who had this surname, that was in South London but she wasnt a dub.
First girl I ever asked out, bought tickets to see an Alex Harvey concert, but of course by 16, a pretty girl is allready spoken for.
Preppers and prepping.... thoughts?
by EntirelyPossible inwhat do you guys think of preppers?
i have been watching doomsday preppers on natgeo (it's just a trainwreck, i can't stop watching) and while those guys are a joke, i think have a few weeks worth of supplies and water on had is a good idea (tornadoes, hurricane, freak snow/ice storm, etc.).
however, prepping years worth of food, 5000 rounds of ammo per gun, building a fortified bunker.... what for?
Makes good economic sense, with the increase in food prices, you will see a far better return on your savings if you buy food rather than put it in the bank.
I eat a very high quality Muesli and the super market was doing an offer, buy two and get one free, so I amassed a years supply. Once I ran out and had to buy again, I found the basic price had gone up 100% over that year.
I aim to have 42 months of food for the duration of when I wont be able to buy or sell.
Do the Witnesses still consider the "Mark of the Beast" something you get by voting?, how does voting prevent you from "buying or selling"?
Any of you Americans concerned with your imminent fall over the fiscal cliff?
I Still Can't Celebrate Xmas. Can You? Christians vs Atheists
by Malsonilla inwhile in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
I find it most amusing that the only grown-ups I know who are excited about Christmas are you guys!
Dont you know that the Worldies hate it and would Love to be rid of it, when they said "the truth will set you free", it was this they were talking about.
Personally, still wishing to not be rejected by God, I take the warning of Haggi Chapter 2 seriously and have a great excuse not to waste days on end, fighting through crowds of people desperately trying to think of presents that nobody wants anyway.
As for Jesus, does he even get a mention these days?, maybe if you live in the American Bible belt but I would think here in the UK, hes probably banned by now so as not to upset the Muslims, (or so we are told by a third party).
Petition to help Palestine
by Nambo inhttp://www.avaaz.org/en/palestine_worlds_next_nation_uk/?bmiddbb&v=19229.
if you are the anti-apartied sort of person who would like to end the suffering of a persecuted peoples, please sign the above petition.
Cheers Chariklo.
As for Americans Iam of the opinion they are just as intelligent as the rest of the world, but have been thoroughly duped due to no fault of thier own.
Now we have the internet however, their responsibility for their own enlightenment now rests on their own shoulders. Of course they need a few pointers to know what to look for, and I hope Ive been at least a small help.
Imagine how many fewer wars there would be if Americans learned to question the propaganda they are fed from thier allmost exclusively Zionist owned media
Petition to help Palestine
by Nambo inhttp://www.avaaz.org/en/palestine_worlds_next_nation_uk/?bmiddbb&v=19229.
if you are the anti-apartied sort of person who would like to end the suffering of a persecuted peoples, please sign the above petition.
Your having a laugh arent you?, or maybe you get paid by Israel to spread thier deceipt so they can continue to exterminate a people whom they call Amalekites.
I suppose all those pictures in the above You Tube compilation of Palestine before the Zionists came are just figments of imagination?, that the rest of the world was inhabited by peoples but the land of Palestine was just empty, kept by God for when the Jews come back?, yeah right, I think the "recorded modern history" youve been reading was writen by Zionists.
If that land was empty as you and the Zionists like to claim, why didnt the United Nations give them all of that "empty land"?, why did the UN divide the land 50/50 between the Jews and the peoples you claim where not even there?, perhaps they were a figment of the United Nations imagination as well?
Its people like you who are responsible for Israel in this modern age, being allowed to continue commiting attrocieties.