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JoinedPosts by BlindersOff1
Jerry Bergman book ... Need HELP
by Marvin Shilmer ini need help with a resource.
anyone here have access to a book by jerry bergman titled: .
blood transfusions: a history and evaluation of the religious, biblical, and medical objections.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
I don't want to be negative. But I agree the name could have a negative conotation .
Its needs to draw people .
I like the above idea "Association Against Watchtower Abuse"
It puts the negative toward where it belongs .
After all it is about marketing . In order to stir up interest .Maybe "Association of Watchtower Survivors" "Jehovah's Witnesses Survivors Association"
The name means allot . IMHO
Help to Reintegrate back into society for former Jehovah's Witnesses
by BlindersOff1 innew video from jwstruggle.com.
Our family wishes to extend our sympathies to Gregg [Greybeard from JWStruggle]...
by Newly Enlightened ingregg, we are deeply sorry for your loss.
you will be with us in our thoughts & prayers.
Sad for you .
JWs stealing books critical of them from libraries world wide has been going on for
many decades . Well documented .
This is a fundementally dishonest cult that cant stand the light of truth being shineded on them .
They love the darkness of ignorance
help! need some articles
by unstopableravens ini am looking for wt articles that would be on the wt cd, that talk about other religions using "new light" and its in invalid excuse, i have two the feb 2013 wt about the mormon and the 70s awake on catholics and eating meat on fridays, is there any more??
and i also need the wt that says something along the lines of: the only way to come to a correct understanding is to view evidence on both sides of an issue.
An Open Mind Wins God's Approval
Avoid Religious Prejudice
When people are approached with a religious message, they may react in one of several ways. Some will say: "Absolute truth is impossible to find"; "all religions are only out for your money"; "science has disproved religion"; "religion is just a crutch for weak people." These views, and others like them, tend to close the mind and cut off investigation before
it has begun. It is prejudice at work.*** AWAKE 84 11/22 p. 8
Awake 84 11/22 pp. 3-4 An Open or a Closed Mind-Which Do You Have
help! need some articles
by unstopableravens ini am looking for wt articles that would be on the wt cd, that talk about other religions using "new light" and its in invalid excuse, i have two the feb 2013 wt about the mormon and the 70s awake on catholics and eating meat on fridays, is there any more??
and i also need the wt that says something along the lines of: the only way to come to a correct understanding is to view evidence on both sides of an issue.
"It is important, then, that you "keep testing whether you are in the faith," as Paul declared. Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God's Word. But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to light and life." Watchtower 1958 May 1 p.261 Is Your Religion the Right One?
*** w54 4/15 pp. 229-231 How God Gives FaithAlso
You can let others tell you what you are allowed to think and believe. Or you may wish to investigate some of the evidence yourself and reach your own conclusion.
AWAKE 9/06 p. 3 Whom Should You Believe? -
help! need some articles
by unstopableravens ini am looking for wt articles that would be on the wt cd, that talk about other religions using "new light" and its in invalid excuse, i have two the feb 2013 wt about the mormon and the 70s awake on catholics and eating meat on fridays, is there any more??
and i also need the wt that says something along the lines of: the only way to come to a correct understanding is to view evidence on both sides of an issue.
The Reasonable Choice
Reasonable persons agree that the only fair method is to examine the evidence on both sides, both for and against a disputed theory. That is how one arrives at the truth.
*** Awake 73 10/22 p. 6 Examine the Evidence ***"We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God's Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination." -The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 1968, p. 13
*** g84 8/22 p. 28 From Our Readers ***
The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism. All who criticize have the obligation to be truthful in presenting the facts and fair and objective in assessing such. In both respects we try to live up to that obligation.-ED. -
Letters to BOE
by turtleturtle incan someone please post a link where i can get a big compilation of all available letters to the boe.
Does WTS want the goverments to turn on them?
by jeremiah18:5-10 inconsidering that the wts has long held the view that the "wild beast" would turn on and destroy false religion and that "gog of magog" would attack "god's people", does wts want and in fact hope that their radical views and rigid/unyielding practices will incur the wrath of governments and courts?.
any adverse judgments are going to be spun as fulfillment of prophecy and be used to further pull the ranks together.
any victories are viewed as gods blessing.. it seems they are desperate at times to manipulate the governments into turning on religion, including their own.
They will try to spin the Candace Conti case that way .