You need to contact member " Anony Mous" he just resently wnt through this
quick update - my wife moved out and took the kids with her while i was at work.
she went to live with her parents.
she took every last article of clothing and even some of her favorite furniture.
You need to contact member " Anony Mous" he just resently wnt through this
well part 5 was just put up on youtube!
this is the third 45 minute segment of the 3+ hour meeting.
topics covered include:.
You can sure see why they are scared to death of recordings of this nonsense . Your doing this will no doubt enbolden
more people to record star chamber tactics that are used. Its only a matter of time now before someone records something
legally actionable andget the Watchtower corp exposed to open court . You did a noble thing that has the potential to
help thousands of real people .
What will be their counter measure. "The holy spirit directed electronic body scanner"
obviously this has been covered to death, but i haven't seen a comprehensive list of stories produced by the media that have been done on the recent abuse cover ups of the watchtower.
today i saw this news story from australia, and i had never seen it.
i wanted to create a thread that can constantly be updated as the media exposes the practices of the watchtower of covering up abuse.
everyone has been a big help in pointing me in the right direction on resources - i hope i can ask for another thing.. i am looking for the actual "scan" or "pdf" of the booklet "preparing for child custody cases".
again, thanks in advance..
if you are happy in a cult clap your hands!.
new video by dallywally72.
If you are happy in a cult CLap your hands!
New video by dallywally72
i was thinking that since most of you have experianced shunning due to disfelowshiping or disassociation, that you might have some ideas adn scriptures to show how df and da shunning is unscriptural.
the elders were gracious enough to provide my wife with a packet to show how df'ng is scriptural and gag loving.. sean.
wild turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite.
seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?
) they would go to any means to save a penny,.
i'm visiting my son and we got on the topic of me raising him in the jw's.
i apologized and told him at the time i thought it was the right thing to do, but that i got them out before it was too late.
he assured me it was only a matter of time before he would have left the religion.
i just recently friended someone i knew many years ago.
they have been disfellowshipped for a number of years.
i am currently not da'd or df'd so if the elders wanted could they disfellowship me for having a fb df'd friend?.
well.....i am now officially on the precipice of divorce.
it started last tuesday night.
my wife brings the kids home at 10:00 pm after the meeting....then dinner....then ice cream.