RUN!!!!!!!! I married in this crazy ass cult before I woke up and found out TTATT later on. I woke up but my wife is still fully brain washed. We are compatible in every way accept the cult but the thing is the cult acts as a wedge between us because it was designed to be that way. She used to spy on my email/phone/internet activity but luckily I put a stop to that! She has managed to accept that I'm not ever coming back to meetings and I think we still have a love between us but she feels I have forever broken trust between us. She has become extremely depressed and over weight. Her mother now hates me and feels like I stole her daughter from her and she is doing her best to be an added stress and source of guilt. I have become an alcoholic through this process to deal with the stress as well as my wife. This cult will destroy you!!!
JoinedPosts by thecrushed
Im a non JW and i'm interested in a JW
by littlebigtown123 ini'm interested in this girl and shes a jw.
i went to the meetings and i was bored out of my mind.
i can see how the religion is very appealing to people.
WT 4/15 GB: narcissism in high functioning individuals (big ego or severe disorder)
by Gorbatchov inthere is anonther topic about the new organizational sheet of the jw organisation.. it's nice to see the gb (=fds) on top of the earthly part of it.
read some interesting information about the.
severe disorder they must have:.
They are sitting on top of a steaming pile of shit. Being at the top of it only qualifies them to being flies swarming smelly turds.
Bethel has Witness Psychiatrists on staff for Depression/suicide
by BlindersOff1 inas told by former bethelite at xjw gathering june 2012 .
her experience with a governing body member .
Here is the problem that I see with in house psychologists at bethel. If you say anything in confidence to them and it happens to be "unscriptural" then you are screwed. The whole point of being able to talk to a therapist is circumvented because you will not open up to the details of your problem for fear of reprisal.
Richard Dawkins had a JW at his door...
by MrFreeze inhere was what he tweeted:.
"just ejected 2 doorstepping jehovah's witnesses, man and boy.
should i regret missing the chance to educate the boy?
I had an atheist tell me at the door that he could sum up why our religion and all others are false with one word. "Entropy" At the time I didn't have a clue what the word meant.
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
I think people are missing the point of the story and to make it crystal clear we had his bladder infection cleared up before I threw him out. The point is he never got another one and his skin cleared up too. It was stress.
What is the I.Q. of a Jehovah's Witness?
by Terry inbeing an idiot or a genius would not be average or normal in ordinary walks of life.not by the conventional definition of those measurements of intelligence tests the average score is 100. i.q.
test score breakdownidiot-0-25imbecile-26-50moron--51-70mildly gifted -- 115 to 129moderately gifted -- 130 to 144highly gifted -- 145 to 159exceptionally gifted -- 160 to 179profoundly gifted -- 180marilyn vos savant--228 (highest recorded i.q.).
you would have been "wrong" until 1928!
I remember a conversation I had with a sister at the KH a few years back and I'm a little fuzzy on how it came up but she related a story of a brother who was extremely smart to the point of genius and that he started researching too much and it ended up taking him right out of the truff. The lesson she took from it is that sometimes you can be too smart for your own good and to stop and wait on Jehoober. *Facepalm* It was conversations like this that really started to slowly eat at the indoctrination in my own mind and finally wake me up. Terry I think your theory is dead on right!
I remember asking my dad questions and getting the, "Your overthinking too much son!" comment Stop that thinking its bad for you!!
Atheists and selfless potential
by thecrushed insomething has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower.
i think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly.
religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot.
cant leave thanks for pointing that out. I'm still working on my fallacy detector.
Atheists and selfless potential
by thecrushed insomething has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower.
i think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly.
religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot.
Cofty she is alluding to the argument that people who recognize evolution as "fact" all believe that its all about the strong over the weak. Survival of the fittest. It doesn't take into account that higher mammals are highly social and love and altruism within a species also contributes to the survival of it.
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
he is a long haired tabby that came from a crazy feral mother. He has been skitish all his life.
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
rip van winkle I think the whole problem was psychological and it can manifest physically given enough abuse. I'm not saying that this is the solution for a bladder infection LOL