Richard Dawkins had a JW at his door...

by MrFreeze 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrFreeze

    Here was what he tweeted:

    "Just ejected 2 doorstepping Jehovah's Witnesses, man and boy. Should I regret missing the chance to educate the boy? Maybe not."

    I wonder who got that dreadful assignment of knocking on Richard Dawkins' door. How do you think you would have fared as a JW discussing the Bible with him?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    That would suck, completely suck. I'd openly cuss if he came to the door like, "oh shit, it's you." Glad he went easy on them.

  • NewChapter

    Oh that's hysterical! They certainly knew it was Dawkins' door! I certainly would have if I was a JW. They use the child as a SHIELD! TOOO FUNNY!

  • ziddina


    Too bad he didn't re-educate the twosome.

    I've had some success at that, and I couldn't even begin to deliver the sort of lecture that Mr. Dawkins could...

  • braincleaned

    Dawkins is my hero - and he would have had no problem converting me if I was so lucky in the past, to knock on his door! :D

  • MrFreeze

    He must have fired some people up. He followed up that tweet with this several hours later.

    "Goodness, sorry I started this JW conversation. Please feel free to change the subject."

  • ziddina

    Hah! I wonder how many JW apologists that tweet stirred up????

  • notjustyet

    Wait,... Richard Dawkins answers his own door?

    I think I would be a little more careful about doing that.


  • Satanus

    Watch for the experience in the awake, about the dub who whipped the formost atheist w merely a look. Hehe. It would have been like ane elephant stomping on a couple of ants, over and over and over. Dawkins passed up the ant stomping opportunity. No thrill for him, no effort. He couldn't be bothered.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL maybe it was a dare

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