Cofty she is alluding to the argument that people who recognize evolution as "fact" all believe that its all about the strong over the weak. Survival of the fittest. It doesn't take into account that higher mammals are highly social and love and altruism within a species also contributes to the survival of it.
JoinedPosts by thecrushed
Atheists and selfless potential
by thecrushed insomething has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower.
i think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly.
religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot.
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
he is a long haired tabby that came from a crazy feral mother. He has been skitish all his life.
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
rip van winkle I think the whole problem was psychological and it can manifest physically given enough abuse. I'm not saying that this is the solution for a bladder infection LOL
My cat is a microcosmic allagoric example of the struggle of leaving the cults
by thecrushed inhere is a little story for you.
i have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially.
one of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick.
Here is a little story for you. I have a cat that has always been a little feral and doesn't get along with the other cats socially. One of my cats decided he was going to bully this poor guy and worry him sick. We did everything to help him but his health started to fail. He began having bladder infections and his skin started to scale up and it was just horrible suffering for this little guy. After many vet visits, head scratching, and him nervous pooping on the couch instead of the litter box I decided it was either euthanize or make him an outside kitty. This cat was deathly afraid of the outdoors. I threw him outside and of course he made the most god awful noises for about a day and then he vanished for a week. He finally reappeared and we fed him and then tried to let him back inside. Guess what! he refused and made just as much a fuss about going back in as he did trying to throw him out! Now his bladder infections are gone and the scaly skin has now turned into silky fur. My neighbor reports that he is a skilled hunter and even leaps in the air and snatchs birds right out of bird feeders.
I think the point is obvious that this is allagory for what happens on a more complex human scale as we try to leave the cults. My cat has reached his full potential as a hunter and is very happy by being forced to face the unknown. Food for thought I think.
Atheists and selfless potential
by thecrushed insomething has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower.
i think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly.
religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot.
"My gut tells me that people will be who they are and that their stated beliefs actually has little impact on their behavior." - jgnat
The thing I want to get at though is that atheists/agnostics are the only ones who can claim selflessness in the trueist sense because they are not expecting any kind of reward in the afterlife other than the warm fuzzy feeling you get from the actual doing of good towards your fellow intelligent creatures. I say intelligent creatures because I think that dolphins for instance have an awareness that might even extend beyond our own. Just because they don't feel the need to create huge civilizations and create weapons to kill eachother doesn't mean they are inferior at all. I think their way of life may be vastly more fullfiling. I mean come on they have sex and play all day with their pods. Awww the life of a dolphin! hakuna matata Why the hell did I go off on that Tangent??? OH Yea I was going to say that Dolphins also display the same altruism towards themselves and us and well I think that says volumes for their moral understanding!
Atheists and selfless potential
by thecrushed insomething has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower.
i think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly.
religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot.
Something has just occured to me this morning while taking a shower. I think it might be pretty obvious to others but for some reason it just hit me today suddenly. Religion for many is just a donkey and a carrot. The only reason they do anything good or bad is to get the carrot. Yes this is a generalization but to illustrate lets just say this is true for a good portion of people. The carrot would be the afterlife. So Person A decides to open a hospital thinking that he or she will be counted as worthy and good enough to get into heaven. Person B maybe brings people into a cult because they think it is God's ark to save us. Both are doing it for the exact same reason and that is the carrot on the stick. This motivation can hardly be called true selfless behavior because their is a percieved reward.
Atheists have much greater potential for selfless behavior. Atheists like myself know that we only have one life to live with no reward at the end. This doesn't change the fact that I want to do good toward my fellow humans and other intelligent life. There is no carrot to chase and yet I still want to. I remember as a JW saying that Atheism was pure evil because it destroys our moral grounding while citing and linking athiesm with communism. This was a gross misjudgement and now I'm ashamed it came out of my brainwashed mind. Richard Dawkins is totally right when he came to the conclusion in the "God Delusion" that our morals do not come from religion at all and if they did we should all be horrified at the draconion results of that kind of society as is apparent in Islamic Sheria law.
Please discuss.
why can't this happen to the Watchtower?
by thecrushed in seriously i love the netherlands right now!
sock it to them europe!
thecrushed Seriously I love the Netherlands right now! Sock it to them Europe!
I'm in, and having a hard time biting my tongue sometimes
by noonehome ini spend allot of time with other young witnesses my age, and am very close to a few of these friends.
my question is, is there any way to safely talk about doubts?
for instance, i've been learning allot about evolution and the science behind the flood (or lack thereof).
I've been there! Wait I'm still there with my wife and the whole family. The best policy is to come here and vent off some steam. Do not say anything that can and WILL be used against you in a kangaroo court. I have a mother in law that is super brainwashed. Just yesterday her dog died and I expressed my sympathies to her only to have her emediately change the subject to me and how I've left Jehoover and that I shouldn't forget the KM review this month. WTF! She then tells my wife that I hate her and well she is almost right because I can't have a single conversation with her without it turning to my perceived spiritual failures. The guilt trips don't work on me anymore it just pisses me off.
Company Christmas Party experience
by thecrushed inso i went to my employer's christmas party recently.
for the first time i felt completely at ease with normal people.
i'm blessed to have an employer who understands my situation and is also a sceptic like me raised in a very devoit rcc imigrant family.
So I went to my employer's Christmas party recently. For the first time I felt completely at ease with normal people. I'm blessed to have an employer who understands my situation and is also a sceptic like me raised in a very devoit RCC imigrant family. He employs mostly hispanics accept for me and a few others. We had such a great time and one co-worker of mine kept us in stitches the whole time so much so that my face was sore from all the laughing! The hispanic familes I met were so accepting, warm and friendly I was floored at the feelings I was having! This one particular hispanic who is old enough to be my dad and barely able to speak english gave me a warm loving family type hug as I left for the night and said I was a good friend. He was a little tipsy but you could tell he really meant it. I just thought I'd share this for those that maybe still are nervous about worldly people.