Good points. I just HOPE you are wrong. I'm so tired of the "holier than thou" attitude of the Watchtower; it would be so satisfying to have a reputable program like DATELINE give them a little run for their money- Just wishful thinking.
msnbc is running a special commemorating the 10 year anniversary of dateline.. go to:.
over the past 10 years dateline has brought you more than 5000 stories -- everything from breaking news to interviews with hollywood's biggest celebrities to hidden camera investigations.
Good points. I just HOPE you are wrong. I'm so tired of the "holier than thou" attitude of the Watchtower; it would be so satisfying to have a reputable program like DATELINE give them a little run for their money- Just wishful thinking.
msnbc is running a special commemorating the 10 year anniversary of dateline.. go to:.
over the past 10 years dateline has brought you more than 5000 stories -- everything from breaking news to interviews with hollywood's biggest celebrities to hidden camera investigations.
Why do you think that the story will not air? Just because of the Catholic Church expose? If what the Silentlambs web page has been posting over the past year is true and DATELLINE has invested all of those man hours investigating and recording why would they have done all that work in vain? I just find it hard to believe they will scrap this year + long project that easily. Too, I seriously doubt that the PR guys in Brooklyn are THAT good at persuading one of the biggest if not THE biggest news agency to not report a story on a religious organization which is so quick to point the finger at the wrongs committed by other religious groups.
Just my take-
msnbc is running a special commemorating the 10 year anniversary of dateline.. go to:.
over the past 10 years dateline has brought you more than 5000 stories -- everything from breaking news to interviews with hollywood's biggest celebrities to hidden camera investigations.
I didn't see anywhere in the article where it mentioned future story subjects. Can you explain where you found that link?
the pope is considering adopting a child abuse policy similar to jw's.
they've already accepted the policy of 'one strike youre out'.
now they're considering applying it to those cases that involve pass offences.
You mentioned "NO Dateline for sure." Do you have a reliable source who is stating the Dateline will NOT run the story?? I can't believe that the Watchtower's PR dept is THAT good!
Please expand.
we recently had the visit of the co, during the elders meeting he addressed his concern over the decline in meeting attendance, especially for the tms & sm.
our particular congregation saw a decline of 30% from his last visit 6 months ago.
in a private conversation with him i asked if our congregation was unique in this regard and he said no, some congregations have seen a much higher percentage of decline, 50-60%.
We recently had the visit of the CO, during the elders meeting he addressed his concern over the decline in meeting attendance, especially for the TMS & SM. Our particular congregation saw a decline of 30% from his last visit 6 months ago. In a private conversation with him I asked if our congregation was unique in this regard and he said no, some congregations have seen a much higher percentage of decline, 50-60%. I asked if he thought the Christian Congregation is considering cutting the # of weekly meetings. His response was he did not think so but the way he answered gave me the impression he knew more than he was willing to relate.
Does anyone here have any information they would like share? Any friends at Bethel who might know something?
Just curious-
i'm curious to know if this dateline story is going to be an hour long or will it be a 20 minute story as some of their news items are?
Dateline airs Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
is anyone familiar with the gilead instructors:.
liverance, bowen, noumair, and karl adams.
One of the finest individuals I have ever met was Ulysses Glass who was one of the most prominent Gilead instructors. He displayed genuine humility and love of God and His Word. A TRUE christian.
anyone have any news about when finally the dateline piece will air?.
i'm sure it will have some impact on the number of interested persons attending the memorial this year if it airs close to that date.. just wondering--.
Anyone have any news about when FINALLY the Dateline piece will air?
I'm sure it will have some impact on the number of interested persons attending the Memorial this year if it airs close to that date.
Just wondering--
no silence of the lambs .
web site for pedophile victims provides support, opportunity to share stories .
Great Job Bill!
BTW- What's the latest with DATELINE? Obviously it will have to air after the Olympics. Do you have any idea when it will actually air?
it has been stated that the dateline episode would run before the end of the year.
does anyone have any factual information about the status of the expose?
anewperson: I agree about not ragging on Bill Bowen. What a courageous man he is! I guess I'm just very anxious to see how the Society(branch) is going to try to weasle out of this one! I took your advice and emailed NBC inquiring about the status of the story.