Ernie said:
Although not officially in the public domain , my understanding is that COs will not be given a new assignment after their existing one ends on Aug 31st 2009. Each CO has been sworn to confidentiality on this matter. WTS still working on the details & many COs annoyed at lack of information. Still some question about whether all will be reassigned as special pioneers - looks like each CO will be treated on a case by case basis. Those who have a home are being "encouraged" to return there. Some COs are already sorting their futures out & have come off or will be by end of service year.
Transitionally , the foreign language circuits are already in the process of being disbanded and will be serviced by existing COs from 1.9.08. No new substitute COs are being recruited.
Ernie: Did you get this info from a reliable source? Bethel contact? The details you mention seem to add validity to the recent speculations.