I'm 41, 2nd generation JW- You have just perfectly described my own experience!
this is my first post and might be my only post, not sure.
i've chosen to "come out" for a moment just to talk about the 30 minute change in the public talk on sundays.
my father and brother are both elders, this change was a blow to them they enjoy giving encouraging public talks to the friends.
I'm 41, 2nd generation JW- You have just perfectly described my own experience!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {color: #ff0000} .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; } --> you are much too harsh about the watchtower societysince you were, little we did our best to raise you.
you always received good.
grades in school; we always did our best to feed, clothe and give you every-.
Did you receive this letter from your parents? I really feel bad for you or anyone who gets such a letter. I also feel very bad for the writers of such a letter. How the GB has manipulated them to think that they=God. When one leaves the JWs one is leaving a man made, man directed orgainization, NOT God! The GB is guilty of blasphemy to the utmost degree as they perpetuate this erroneous logic. I really don't know how they live with themselves knowing full well the pain their rules and regulations cause decent human beings who have put their mis placed trust in them! How true ring Jesus' words: "Ye hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, 'This people honoreth me with their lips; But their heart is far from me. But in vain do they worship me, Teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men.' " Matthew 15:7-9 KJV
i remember going out in service using the truth book .
" the truth that leads to everlasting life".
in its final couple of years, i remember how the catholic church's attempts to control what people read was part of our presentation.
The word theocracy is NOT in the Bible either, although the idea of a theocracy can be seen in the Old Testament, but NOT in the New Testament. Both the words theocracy and organization have a "secular" connotation. Jesus' teachings were anything but "secular" in nature. To the contrary, his teachings went against the establishment's rigid "organizational" confinement. His "law" was love and freedom, not an enslavement to a litany of endless rules and regulations. The GB and their "organization" mimic so perfectly the Pharisees of Jesus' day! Hypocrites!!
PS Thank you for finding this "gem"- Just another nail for their coffin.
i remember going out in service using the truth book .
" the truth that leads to everlasting life".
in its final couple of years, i remember how the catholic church's attempts to control what people read was part of our presentation.
BTW-- Last I heard the Bible is God's message to MANKIND!! They are so full of themselves! The word organization is not even found in the Bible, how dare they make such a statment! Nauseating, just plain nauseating!
i remember going out in service using the truth book .
" the truth that leads to everlasting life".
in its final couple of years, i remember how the catholic church's attempts to control what people read was part of our presentation.
Well said Terry!!
i was doing an image search on google and found a link to a website that appears to fully support the watchtower org.
[ http://www.jehovah-god.org/ ] .
interesting thing to me is the pictures that it shows, some i have never seen in offical literature, yet they look like they couldve have been ones made but not used, or something i dont know.. and others that resemble images from books such as the revelation book... (the city, pearls etc).
What a nut job!!
raises hand.
i thank auldsoul/blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when i first lurked on jwd.
wac - bethelite for 10 years and elder for 1.
Although I am only out mentally and emotionally for now because of family issues. I do believe that were it not for the internet I would have continued to believe that the problem was ME, not the GB. I thank JWD and Freeminds for truly giving me my freedom from the evil throngs of a man made organization which is so far removed from true christianity there is NO hope of it ever coming close to truly "following the Christ", it is hopeless! Thanks again to JWD and Freeminds!!
he commented on another site:.
oh, i must mention: when barbara and rud publish, they will shake the foundations of the watchtower society, and i will have to rewrite many parts of apocalypse delayed to fit with the newly revealed information.
no one knows the dry rot that has existed in that organization as do they.
I hope they have a very strong marketing campaign involving getting on the talk show circuit. Mass media exposure will not make the Watchtower crumble completely, but it sure will have a huge impact!
i'll start with my congregation....... there have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year.
over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs.
young people in the congo are dropping like flies.
Can you give us any hints Mr. Kim? I was sooooo disappointed about the lack of media coverage on the abuse settlements, what a wasted opportunity for mass media coverage regarding probably the "dirtiest little secret" about this cult. Very disappointing!!
have you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in wts politics?.
in letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.. does anyone have a copy?
When you consider that over the past few years the lengths of talks at the DCs have been reduced. There are more 20 minute talks and a few 10 minute talks in the symposiums. I would not be surprised if they did cut the Public Talk to 30min. I have not seen any letter stating this change yet.