raises hand
I thank Auldsoul/Blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when I first lurked on JWD
WAC - Bethelite for 10 years and Elder for 1
Who would still be a Jehovah's Witness if it wasn't for the INTERNET???
by What-A-Coincidence 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i probably still wouldn't be a witness, but, there's no way i would have the knowledge i have now if it wasn't for the internet. thank you mr. gore for inventing this wonderful tool.
I wouldn't.
However, I still might think that they are the right religion. The internet freed me from any confusion in that area.
This is neat to be able to answer. Because I would feel afraid if the net were my only escape. However, MY "awakening" was due to the Disney movie "Dinosaur." That's when I decided to read up on evolution from the perspective of actual evolutionary writers. I never looked back after reading Dawkins and Diamond. The net helped, but it was science that prompted me from the start.
I would. But I would fake the service reports.
loosie, what's up with the denim? lol i'd have thought wool.
all your base are belong to us
I wouldn't be a Witness, but if not for the Internet, my heart and mind would have still have been here.
The internet has been like the angel with the key to the abyss. It has opened the abyss and let in intelligence and fact finding which are anathem (spelling) to the Society.