You are not crazy, the guy is a creep. Why are you still going to the hall at all? Why are you doubting yourself and your instincts. Why are you still even talking to these nutjobs.
move on...
ok so i have a question.
i was a very, very true believer until i saw the child molesters in my hall and how that whole thing was handled.. my husband is older than i am and had been an elder for 12 when we married.
so fast forward to 06, we are in a hall where i thought all the elders were ok at the worst and great at the best.
You are not crazy, the guy is a creep. Why are you still going to the hall at all? Why are you doubting yourself and your instincts. Why are you still even talking to these nutjobs.
move on...
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
Not sure how to take these latest posts. Look, I'm certainly not 'looking down my nose' at you for being a bible believer, but nor should you dismiss an athiests many years of heartfelt study and prayer to come to their conclusions.
That's right, I prayed... a lot. I researched. I spent years in higher education. I studied everything; Bible, Quran, Talmud... Estern Religions, History, Science. I looked at archaeology and geologic sciences... it just didn't pan out to support any modern religious dogma.
Keep in mind, I WANTED to BELIEVE. What I found tho is that science just doesn't support it. You want respect for your belief in god, and that's fine. Just don't disrespect others belief in science and the geologic record by saying that we need to 'look harder'. We have been searching for decades and found no compelling argument.
@bugbear I am still laughing. :D
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
@IownMylife lol I'm in Houston so understand. Also, I am also from California (horrors). Try explaining your positon as an athiest AND a Californian to a native Texan. lmao
religion news article by lauren markoe.. some interesting points in the article.
the study follows the publication earlier this year of a book.
by study co-author and prri founder robert p. jones, titled "the end of white christian america".. the name "nones" are people who claim no affiliation with religion, they outnumber any religious denomination.. according to the poll-which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent-age points-the nones have.
People are leaving religion because the facts as revealed by modern scientific evidence as well as continued archaeology and the indisputable geological record of this planet continue to disprove 'intelligent design' of any means as well as the bible and other religious texts; they fall more in line with a sometimes violent (mutation) but mostly painfully slow evolution over eons of time. It does not 'jibe' with religion in almost any form so people are leaving it behind. It's a good thing. The most religious countries on the planet are the most illiterate, violent, backwards and economically desolated communities whereas the more secular countries have a more stable community across the board.
There is a reason we call the most 'religious' time period in Europe "The Dark Ages." Religion devastated the continent. We are still paying the cost in modern times of that evil time.
looks like india just got the revised (silver) new world translation.....
gotta wonder how much new light was inserted to cover the old new light which is now the new darkness... <.<
just look at his history!
w00 8/15 pp.
8-11 - the watchtower—2000: "kevin needed an additional $900, so he decided to sell his 16 two-year-old pigeons.
due to unforeseen circumstances, i need to say goodbye.
proverbs 14:16 nlt.
i have every faith that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will bring about needed change very soon given the continuous pressure they face.
"Justice will prevail! Amos 5:24 NKJV"
Yes it will... and this wolf in sheeps clothing of a religion will get what's coming to it either through legislation, litigation or people simply finding out the truth about it and leaving. In the end, justice will delete this 'religion' and our families will be free to live their lives once again.
for those interested, this is the video of mouthy's (grace) funeral from september 8, 2016.
thanks again everybody for the kind words about her - she will be sorely missed by our family as i know she will be by many of you too!
I did not realize she had passed. :( She was a really lovely woman. My condolences to the family.
so,we joined a cosplay, we all dressed like pirates and raided the krispy kreme and long john silvers.
we got to sing, act and entertain children.
everyone is so nice and it's so much fun.we are able to support many different charities.we have also been able to redefine the words 'meeting' and 'convention'.
Arrrrrrrrhhhh! Mateys!