Not sure how to take these latest posts. Look, I'm certainly not 'looking down my nose' at you for being a bible believer, but nor should you dismiss an athiests many years of heartfelt study and prayer to come to their conclusions.
That's right, I prayed... a lot. I researched. I spent years in higher education. I studied everything; Bible, Quran, Talmud... Estern Religions, History, Science. I looked at archaeology and geologic sciences... it just didn't pan out to support any modern religious dogma.
Keep in mind, I WANTED to BELIEVE. What I found tho is that science just doesn't support it. You want respect for your belief in god, and that's fine. Just don't disrespect others belief in science and the geologic record by saying that we need to 'look harder'. We have been searching for decades and found no compelling argument.