Wait just to clarify- she's disfellowshipped and she's the one shunning you?
Or are you the one out of the religion and she's back in? Do your parents uphold shunning?
so i usually get dressed for school at my job.
i couldn't today so i figured i'd drive by my parent's house and ask if i could change there seeing as they live two blocks from my house.
as i am pulling up to my parent's i see a familiar face.
Wait just to clarify- she's disfellowshipped and she's the one shunning you?
Or are you the one out of the religion and she's back in? Do your parents uphold shunning?
well i know i've been posting a lot of topics like this lately and i'm sorry if i sound whiny or annoying.
my parents were asking me why i was so upset lately and i ended up just telling them the whole truth.
i told them i don't believe in god or the bible because i don't have any evidence of anything.
Your parents will probably have the elders meet with you. The reason I cautioned you to lay low in your other post was so that you could get your head together, and emotional strength. Now you risk meeting with elders who will be looking to see if you are a threat to the congregation. Hopefully, your parents will not mention what you said to them. If they do, you'll definitely be on the brothers' radar.
Please consider the comments that the members here have written on your posts. Many here have lost their families to this religion. Today you can have your family, and tomorrow you could lose them. They will remain faithful to Jehovah's organisation- with or without you!
Keep posting here and best wishes.
or disfelowshipping si the bible does not teach it.
The Jeremiah booked sucked. It has a picture of a sister, with pink hair highlights, who did not listen to the elders and was disfellowshipped. Her life was terrible, in another picture, post df'ing. She had a baby, smoked cigarettes and had a sleazy no good man passed out drunk on the couch. But get this, she was reading the God's Love book, which inspired her to return to Jehovah's manmade organization.
Bible teach book, gold colored, on the left. Keep yourselves in God's love book in the middle. Jeremiah book on the right.
or disfelowshipping si the bible does not teach it.
Nope, the God's Love books aren't on the carts haha. You know that book doesn't work too well for recruiting lol! It's like the reasoning book. You don't have to be a member to get a copy, you just have to get far enough in your study to convince them that you're really interested
Books that are acceptable for carts includes: Bible Teach Books, Young People ask vl. 1 &2, Secret to Family Happiness, Jesus the Greatest Man Who Has Ever Lived, My Book of Bible Stories. Of course all public Magazines and public brochures.
so lately i've felt so frustrated and overwhelmed that i had to tell someone how i felt.
my parents were gone so i decided to talk to my sister.
we've always been close so i thought i could trust her because we have talked about it before.
or disfelowshipping si the bible does not teach it.
or disfelowshipping si the bible does not teach it.
There are 2 books that a person who studies with the witnesses have available to study. First, the Bible Teach book and if the person doesn't progress then they will study a second book title "KEEP YOURSELVES IN GOD'S LOVE".
The potential member will definitely lose that warm fuzzy feeling the Teach book gives to potential members. The God's Love Book is subtly telling you to obey, just keep thinking about those lovely illustrations of paradise we showed you in the Bible Teach Book.
Side note: I knew a sister who progressed "quickly" and was baptized after a study of the teach book. Then she began studying the God's love book and she was like wow what have I gotten myself into. Too bad she didn't know about disfellowshipping until after baptism.
So nice, they help you every step of the way during the donation, tithing, process.
hey yall, this may have been touched on before, but i here a lot about the lies wt has told on this website.
so what are some of the bold outright lies the borg has told, past and present and can you prove it.
for example, at this district assembly they released a video that showed (the trailer) if you married an unbeliever your marriage is not going to work.
Bold face lies:
last wednesday the question was put 'can unions ordain women as ministers in the sda church?
the vote was defeated yes 41.35 to no 58.45.. the dutch churches responded quickly saying they won't be changing there policy and will continue to ordain women.. the north american division and the two conferences in california have women pastors that are already ordained.. the sda pastors in china are mostly women.. the internet is running hot with opinions one way or the other.
here is how millennials feel about there church at this point most are studying at an sda university.
I found the following statement from the article interesting:
"I take heart knowing that the leaders we have now will not be there forever and millennials will take their places."
Too bad Jehovah's witnesses aren't allowed to make similar comment, but if they did it would go like this.
I take heart knowing that the current governing body will not be there forever and that a new body will lead the organization with open minds. Changes will be made in doctrine.
Too bad, looking forward to the disbandment of the current Governing body and wishing the best for the future body is not allowed.
It's great that the seventh day adventist, can even vote on and discuss these topics!