JoinedPosts by Quasipseudo
My JW friend and Silentlambs...
by Kaethra ini caught up with an old friend on the weekend.
she's still a loyal dub but has had terrible marriage problems in the past (they've been divorced for some time now) and feels that she has been slandered in the congregation.
she's also pretty wild for a dub...anyway, that's a discussion for another time.... over lunch, we got to talking about one of her friends (also a dub) and she mentioned that she is very promiscuous.
priests in the news why not JWs?
by target inthe big headlines in the phoenix paper are about the priests in tucson.
"church hid abuse, victims say".
it was covered over and the priests were moved around and promoted.
Thanks Puffsrule. My question is less about the statute of limitations on this and more about the fact that it would seem to me that a seven year old boy, (or perhaps even younger), would not do such a thing without having been "taught" by an adult. If the boy was 8 or 9 when the elders first heard about this, alarm bells should have gone off. I think that there is much more being hidden about this story. The boy was abused as well. I'd bet my bottom dollar.
priests in the news why not JWs?
by target inthe big headlines in the phoenix paper are about the priests in tucson.
"church hid abuse, victims say".
it was covered over and the priests were moved around and promoted.
Puffsrule, I have a question about the link you posted. Perhaps you do not know the answer, but someone else may. The article states that the Houston teenager is now 19. Does that mean that in 2002 she was 19? Or is this an old article?
The reason I ask this is that if she was being molested by her brother in the mid-eighties, (let's say 1987), then she would have been only four and her brother only seven!