Bwhahahahaha @ Cold Steel!!!
@Slipnslidemaster - You're right, they no longer have power over me and I think that I need to actually send the letter to completely break any remaining ties. The only thing is that I don't want them to have my new address. It's really not important for me to get a copy of my records. I've already rededicated myself because I did feel bad that I was breaking a promise to God but not necessarily the God of the bible. Beside, I really feel that God understood the situation I was in and as you can see, I haven't been struck down or swallowed up in the earth.
@Eve Deceived - They sent a letter to the cong informing them of DF so I want to send one to them saying "nope, you're wrong". I thought about sending a copy to my mother but honestly, I feel like she doesn't even care. Maybe it will get her to think? Should I tell them to fwd a copy to the last cong I associated with?