Right now, I'm passive mostly but if I know of someone who is studying with JW I will point them to jwfacts, jwsurvey, or other sites for them to see the mess that they are about to get into. I personally wouldn't picket but I understand why some would. Well maybe I would picket, quietly.
JoinedPosts by QueenWitch
Are you pro-activist, anti-activist, or passive?
by cedars ini ask this question because, having been on this forum for a year now, it's clear to me that there are many shades to so-called "apostasy", and this is particularly evident in the realm of anti-watchtower activism.. when i use the word "activism", likely picketing kingdom halls and conventions springs to mind.
however, activism can be far more subtle than that.
just having a website or a book that sheds light on the flaws of watchtower dogma is really a form of activism - arguably the most effective form at that.
Such BS else no JW would die of anything ever.
by The Searcher injesus always used illustrations to help people reason on the import of what he was saying.
here is an illustration followed by a reality;.
imagine that your heart went out to all those poor people who suffered when fukushima blew up, so much so, that when an internationally renowned charity asked for donations to help those in need, you donated $5000 to the cause.
so lemme get this straight
JWs donate to WWW. Local cong needs a new KH so they petition or apply to WBTS to get the donated funds loaned to them. The donated loan is used to build new KH which doesn't belong to local congs but to WBTS AND local congs have to pay loan back.
In the case of ass halls, is process the same? Local congs obtain land and building permits, etc. so building is paid for and there is no mortgage, just tax on the land. (or maybe not since this is "non-profit" org). Local congs don't own ass halls either so have to pay rent for weekend use. Is that right?
I'm speechless to think that I thought this ever made sense.
And with the so-called charity, it would make more sense to help out the "brothers" without insurance. I mean, that's what insurance is for, to have money set aside for disasters and such. The "brothers" without insurance would be in more need of help. If RBC is helping uninsured less, that sounds "worldly" and just what the medical industry does. Oh no insurance? here's a bandaid and some asprin. Bye.
by The Searcher ini am genuinely in the dark on this one; .
can someone with experience of this explain to me what a "scriptural divorce" is?
i have always believed what christ said was the only basis for divorce.
When my mother got her divorce, she got it "scripturally" by having 2 witnesses catch my father with someone else on 2 different occasions, one of the witnesses being my oldest brother. For the civil divorce it was mentally anguish or something. I wonder why she didn't use adultery for the civil divorce as well? Anyway, I remember her saying that after year 2 she was unhappy in the marriage but stayed married for 20 yrs. Granted, I wouldn't have been here had she left but I never understood why be miserable for so long. She said that he was verbally abusive and I think she said he hit her once. I remember they never showed affection to each other (kissing, hugging).
How Many Here Have Ever Smoked Pot or Tobacco?
by minimus inam i the only one who has done neither?.
both. still smoke cigs but not weed since I'm job hunting.
in regards to AAWA
by johnamos inoh how i wish i could just write out something that would cause you all to know and understand that what i say is true.
or i wish i could tell yall that i am going to do something like cause an earthquake (with jehovahs spirit backing me) at a certain place and time, then after i posted such info then it occurred just as i said...then maybe you would listen and believe what i say.. .
and even more so, your lack of knowledge and belief in jehovah and in his word the bible.
if Jehovah is allowing this to happen - to what end? I don't see how a benelovent god would need an early organization let alone allow it to have doctrines that are counterproductive to human psychology. When is it EVER right to shun a family member? If someone wants to leave, why can't they do so with no strings attached?
He Is Risen, the axial component of christianity
by designs insunday hundreds of millions and possibly up to two billion people will join in some service in observance of the resurrection of jesus.
it is the central issue which takes the teachings of jesus from the philosophy of doing good to others to the ultimate truth which it claims.
it was the axial argument of the apostle paul in 1 cor.
Christians are all late with Easter. The spring equinox has passed. I will go to service but thankfully it won't be about Jesus. I think maybe Jesus was a historical person or persons but no more divine than any of us.
MY babies were spayed today
by wha happened? ini don't have children, and my wife and i decided not to have any, so we have kittens.
we rescued some kittens and they were in pretty bad shape when they came home.
thought one might not make it.
I wish we didn't have to get our cat spay but since we got her from the rescue it was mandatory. Unfortunately it got infected so make sure kitty does not lick the incision.
Better than the Mormon choir. More Dynamic than Sister Act
by barry inwww.youtube.com/watch?v=pmyf-0fdzik i would join any church that has music such as that.
is this music common in us churches and is it mostly in black churches?
My choir is not as lively but I always wanted to sing in church. The above link is hosted via google drive but it's public so everyone should be able to view it.
Crazy stories of JW's sacrifices
by IronGland ini remember hearing of a failthful older brother who was attacked by vicious dogs while in service.
even though his clothes were shredded and he was bleeding he continued walking door to door to finish his assigned territory for that day.
Any "experience" that involves a child hearing the troof but the parents remain uninterested and even against it. Child studies and goes to meetings in secret. Child leaves JW publications around the house. Parents read it and become interested, get baptized, and whole family of pioneers is now in the audience with us today