Oh how I wish I could just write out something that would cause you all to know and understand that what I say is true. Or I wish I could tell y’all that I am going to do something like cause an earthquake (with Jehovah’s spirit backing me) at a certain place and time, then after I posted such info then it occurred just as I said…then maybe you would listen and believe what I say.
I am not against what you are trying to do; it is just the way you are going about it. And even more so, your lack of knowledge and belief in Jehovah and in his word the bible.
Yes, the MANY things you say against the WTS/GB are correct, but you fell to understand that this is all foretold and allowed to happen by Jehovah.
Have you read and do you understand:
Ezekiel 13
Joel 1-3
2 Thessalonians 2
Isaiah 29
Ezekiel 38 &39