PC is why I'm called African American instead of Black. I'm not African. My parents, grandparents, or even great grandparents did not come from Africa.
JoinedPosts by QueenWitch
Political correctness. What is it to you?
by Hortenzie ini see it as a form of discrimination against non mainstream ideas and opinions.
that's why i don't understand why so many hold it as of a great value.
what do you think?.
"Accept Your Girly-ness...Know How to Shut Up"
by cofty ina faith-based motivational speaker by the name of justin lookadoo (yes really) has been upsetting pupils, parents and staff at a texas high school.. some pupils walked out of the lecture while others began tweeting with the hashtag #lookadouche.
his website aimed at to promote "godly" dating includes the following gems of advice.. accept your girly-ness.
youre a girl.
to be fair, I agree with #3 under the girl rules. One does not need tons of makeup and skimpy clothing to be attractive.
Do you believe in a literal Christ?
by Monsieur indo you believe in a literal christ?.
someone that walked the earth and did the things the bible states he did?
(miracles, etc.).
I think it's possible that there was a historical Jesus like there was a historical Buddha.
FLAPDOODLE is what I call it---how about you?
by Terry inokay, try this on and see if it fits.. the angels saw the daughters of men and came down and had sexual relations producing offspring.. flapdoodle:.
angels are spirits, right?.
how is it these spirits have the power of creation?.
I thought angels didn't have free will. If that's the case, then how could they lust after human women (which brings up another question, are all angels male?) and how could Satan become Satan? the dubs teach that he lusted after worship so he used free will?
Bible Hoarders.
by scotoma ini was really turned off by the segment of the meeting dealing with the watchtower's bible collection.
i thought i was at the antique road show on pbs.. what was that all about?
it was so bizzarre for these "annointed" ones to get off on collecting these old printed bibles.. you can get excellent scans of just about any historical document.. looked like a personal hobby of sanderson the nararator.. there is something idolatrous and at the very least a sick display of the hoarding instinct in the glee coming from getting their "paws" on these treasures.. what a disappointment to see a religion started by people who wanted to abandon all earthly things and join christ in the air, fawn over these relics carefully preserved as a memorial they can fondle.. are they really in the museum business now?
Inquiring minds want to know how much the german bible costed.
Sleepy Hollow
by Flg8ter inwho else is watching the new show "sleepy hollow"?
the series premiere is on right now.
in the first few minutes of the show.......it show a road leading into the small town.
I definitely lol'd and tweeted about the population of 144K
I voted for the first time last year. I realize that women and Blacks had to fight for this right. It's time that I exercise it.
Do you still use Jehovah's name?
by naazira inwhen you pray do you still use the name jehovah.
i still do.
when I do, I catch myself and use Goddess or the name of an Egyptian god/dess
List of JW spin off groups
by QueenWitch inis there a comprehensive list of jw or bible student spin off groups?
no, i'm not going to join, just curious..
Is there a comprehensive list of JW or Bible Student spin off groups? No, I'm not going to join, just curious.
It's All Your Fault - 9.15.13 wt Study Ed
by breakfast of champions in"in a similar way, at the beginning of the 20th century, there were a number of wrong expectations among true christians regarding the last days.
(2 tim.
3:1) for instance, in the year 1914, some thought that their being taken to heaven was imminent.
Just because I question everything now, do sailors really do this tacking thing? Is there anyone here who is an experienced boater?