So I'm reading In Search of Christian Freedom at the moment. It's quite different to Crisis of Conscience, and I'm really getting into it. Over the last couple of days I've been reading in it about how the Christian congregation slowly changed from being a collection of like minded people to being an authoritarian structure. Now we see power in the hands of a chosen few, and it is these ones that dictate what others are to believe.
Coincidentally, tonight I read Ephesians 5. After giving advice to the individuals in the congregation to be mindful about walking wisely (vs 15), Paul goes on to say in vs 17 that people should "go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is." I note here that it was up to the individual to do the perceiving, not someone up the hierachical foodchain.
Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves on being set up in a similar way to the Christian congregation in the first century. A review of history and scriptures however shows that they are in fact far from it.