I just refreshed the article's page on the website and it says there are 99 readers on there at the moment. Sadly there does not appear to be a comments section available. I'd love to post in there the statement on JW.org that contradicts the WT lawyer.
Phizzy, we can get The Age in a couple of places in our area so I will pick up a copy tomorrow. I'm very interested in seeing what "the full story" is.
Gotta love the parting comment about predicting the end of the world five times and believing that Satan rules the world. Makes them sound all nice and culty.
I think it is reprehensible that they get away with tax exempt status. Handing out magazines with poorly written articles hardly qualifies as charity...
On the flip side, I do feel sorry for those genuinely nice JWs who may get affected by backlash from this and the child abuse enquiries. However, if it leads them to asking questions, and doing some research, then it may be a good thing.