A few months passed after our big conversation with mum, and even though we kept in regular touch as we always have, the subject never came up. In the time that passed since we talked, Mrs Smith and I have drifted further and further away from the congregation. The last time we were in a Kingdom Hall was for the Memorial this year, back in March. We haven’t been out in field service for almost a year.
The sad thing is all these months passed, and we never heard anything from anyone from our local congregation. We would get a text message once a month from our Group Overseer looking for our reports, but there was never any query in to how we were, or if we were even alive. I guess you really learn who your friends are when you go through something like this. The only person that as consistently kept in touch and that we have still caught up with reasonably regularly has been Sister T, about whom I have talked on here many times. We have been able to be honest with her and she agrees with a lot of what we have talked about, even going so far as saying that she is convinced that Satan has entered the organisation and that the time will soon come when Jehovah needs to clean it out. Despite this, she remains loyal to the organisation, and to be honest, I believe that she needs it, as it gives her some sort of steadiness, or routine for her life. We once entertained hopes that we may be able to help her wake up and move on, but now doubt that. It may actually be better for her to stay in to be completely honest.
Over this period, there have been some frustrating moments. We have run in to people and they have asked where we have been, there is an elder (from another congregation) who works not far from me who waited on a corner one morning so he could tell me that he had heard that we hadn’t been to meetings, and we have been invited to the birthday party of one of the guys at work.
Each of these occasions had led to me not being completely truthful, and this kind of thing does not sit well with me. My mumma raised me to be honest, and I don’t like deceiving people.I also knew that we couldn’t keep going on like this with mum, that we could not pretend everything was normal, when in actual fact we were inactive, and don’t want anything to do with the organisation.
You might remember a while back that Mrs Smith and I had a discussion about whether or not one or both of us should disassociate ourselves. At the time we decided against it because we felt that we should not have to play by the WTS rules since there is no scriptural backing for disassociation. We wanted to just fade away and be left alone. If you look back at page 7of this thread you will see a post from me on February 9 th 2013 where I went into some detail about this.
However, even after moving situations like those mentioned above keep happening. And again, I do not like being dishonest, blaming Mrs Smith’s anxiety for our absence. While we are happy with our progress out of the cult, we are both getting more and more frustrated with wanting to just break free and be done with it. We realise that if things stay as they are, we can never be truly free of this organisation.
Mrs Smith and I have discussed this at length, and we have decided that I will disassociate myself, while she remains ‘in’ – keep in mind though that we are inactive anyway so the only reason for Mrs Smith to not DA is that she can remain in contact with a couple of people, still meet up with them for coffee, and hey, if the opportunity arises, sow some seeds of doubt.
With the decision made, we both felt like another weight had been lifted. There have been a series of weights lifted over the last couple of years: me stepping down as an elder, Mrs Smith waking up, us deciding not to go door to door anymore, and deciding not to go to any meetings any more. It is another big step away from this high control and uncaring group. What have I got to lose? Not much really, but I will have drawn a line in the sand that will make people leave us in peace.
The plan is to email my letter to the COBE, and at the same time send a personal message to all my JW friends on Facebook that contains an opening line and then a copy of the letter I sent to the COBE. This way they can all see the letter and there is none of the mysterious “I wonder what it was all about” chit chat that goes on when people just hear an announcement.
But before that happens, we need to tell mum and my sister. We also feel like we should tell Sister T.
Back in those comments I made back when we were thinking of DAing I said this:
“As we see it, the hardest part is going to be breaking the news to my Mum, my sister, and Sister T. My Mum and I have always had a good and open relationship and I honestly think that if I take the time to explain to her my reasons she would be okay with it…Of course we are not so naive as to think that the cult shutters might slam down too. Mum is a very reasonable and logical person and I have mentioned in emails to her that some recent decisions and actions by the organisation and elders have left me 'uncomfortable' (I referred to but did not specifically mention the child abuse policies). My sister as you know has recently had some awful experiences with her local elders. Who knows, maybe me taking this step will help her grow the balls she needs to stand up to them and her prick of a husband and begin to lead her own life. Sister T has said on more than one occasion that "she doesn't know what she would do without us" and "the only reason I'm in the truth is because of you" By having just me disassociate, Mrs Smith can remain in contact and ease the blow while also continuing to help Sister T (and maybe others) wake up.”
Our big long conversation with mum about how we feel about the organisation has happened since I wrote the above comment. The chat that we had and mum’s reaction to it gave us some hope that we may be able to explain to her that I was going to DA, and that she might be okay with it.
So this was our next challenge. Explaining to mum that things had progressed to the point where we both did not want anything to do with the JWs anymore, and what we had planned to do about it.