@Phizzy: Thanks for sharing your story mate. I do honestly hope that this is the same point I can get to with Mum, where we "agree to disagree" and just go on talking about everything else. I have never once said that I think she should leave, I have been very careful about that. I have said to her (and many others) that I am happy for them if they wish to be a JW for the rest of their life, all power to them. But where I struggle is with the policy of cutting family off, especially with no scriptural backing. Until I get a satisfactory answer I will remain firm in that stand. Like you say, I really hope eventually we can just talk about other stuff.
@Tornapart: Mum is pretty awesome, and this is half the reason why I am fighting so hard for this (you may note with interest that I have not really mentioned my sister in while - let the reader use discernment). Like I said to Phizzy above, I'm happy if she wants to remain a JW I've never asked her otherwise. All I am asking is for her to do the scriptural thing, the christian thing, and let the natural affection flow.
@Listener: No offence at all mate, just enjoying the chance to talk about this openly and vent it out :-) I appreciate you sharing your story, and feel for your situation. People said to me that DAing was selfish and that I should have just faded, even though they knew how I felt. I said to them "What is more selfish? Me seeking my mental heatlh, or you asking me to live a lie because it suits you?" Still never had a decent answer.
I really enjoyed this comment you made: "Although I lost the close relationship with my father for over 30 years I always felt that it was not by my doing and he chose to shun because he honestly believed what he was doing was right and I had no control over that." I liked it because if this is how it ends up with mum and me, I too will know that it was her choice, not mine, and that I did everything I could to prevent it and remain sane.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that ;-)
So here is some more.......news......
It has been a weird couple of weeks. After getting things to what I thought was a good spot as described above, about a week later I got a text message from mum asking me to not contact her for a while as she needs to "sort some things out". I replied and said "Well, no actually, you are too important to me to cut out of my life so I will continue to text you and email you like normal". By the way, its not like we text or email each other 5 times a day or anything. It is usually maybe once a weekish.
Anyway, she replied and said "I didn't mean forever, I just meant for a little while as I process stuff." I sent back pretty much the same reply saying that I would keep in touch as normal.
To be honest I haven't done that at all. I have not felt the motivation to email her or text her. I guess ultimately I am afraid that it might prompt a total cut off. So now I am stuck in that limbo where I'm thinking should I contact her, should I not? Goddamn organisation, seriously.
And then out of the blue she posted a comment on my blog the other day: "OMG ha ha, love mum xxx"
So confused right now!