The May 1997 WT, on page 8 states:
"Jehovah God is the Grand Identifier of his true messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true."
Measuring the track record of the WTS against their own standards stated in their own words in their own magazine, would you say that they qualify to be called God's true messengers?
The article goes on:
"Jehovah is also the great exposer of false messengers. How does he expose them? He frustrates their signs and predictions. In this way he shows that they are self appointed prognosticators whose messages really spring from their own false reasoning - yes, their foolish fleshly thinking!"
When you review the history of the WTS, would you say that the messages delivered through them have come true, or been frustrated?
Deutoronomy 18:22 is clear, and leaves no wiggle room for "overenthusiam" or so-called honest mistakes.