sorry about all these quotes, it's took me a while to find them, I didn't want them to go to waste!
***1986 world wide security 153 19 The Impending "War of the Great Day of God the Almighty" ***
3 Prior to the outbreak of God’s war, Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, will have been destroyed. Satan the Devil and the irreligious political demolishers of Babylon the Great will resent the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses will be the only religious group to survive. World rulers will not have attained their goal of a godless world. So, now, forward to the all-out attack upon the worshipers of Jehovah, whose universal sovereignty they deny and defy! Thus they will actually be fighting against God.-Revelation 17:14, 16; compare Acts 5:39.]*** w66 5/1 263 "You Will Be with Me in Paradise" ***
Though the evildoer in Jesus’ time did not have opportunity to enter into a spiritual paradise, multitudes of people of all nations and races have such an opportunity today. They can do so by associating themselves with the congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses. That evildoer took his stand on Christ’s side during the last moments of his life. Persons who love righteousness today can range themselves alongside Christ’s spiritual brothers and the organization of which they form the nucleus, doing so for whatever time yet remains before this wicked system of things is swept to its destruction. Doing so, they not only will enjoy spiritual blessings now with Jehovah’s people, but may also survive unscathed into the righteous new order wherein the earthly paradise is to be restored.*** w59 6/1 336 "Look! I Am Making All Things New" ***
51 Do you hear this witness? Do you realize its urgency? Do you want to survive out of this old world of confusion and sorrow into God’s new world of peace and joy? Then you must act, and act immediately! You must study to find the true religion. It is no longer safe to regard religion as a kind of furniture, something that has always been in the house but is necessary in your life only as it performs some social function. Nor can you afford to think that all religions are good and that all have the same goal. Many religions are selfish, and modern religion has failed to teach the hope of God’s new world, with its paradise earth. You must learn the Bible religion! Just as a proper secular education is necessary to fit a person for a place in everyday society, so a proper Bible education is necessary to equip one for entering the society that will survive to live in the paradise earth. (John 17:3; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Your safety and the whole future of yourself and your family depend on now studying the Bible, associating with the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses, dedicating yourself to your Creator, Jehovah God, and witnessing for him. Do not let the pursuit of material things or the cares of life rob you of this wonderful opportunity of life. Said Jesus: “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things [the material necessities] will be added to you.”—Matt. 6:33*** w50 11/15 438 Paying Back God's Things to God ***
12 Extreme nationalists, exasperated at the faithfulness of Jehovah’s witnesses to him, want to drive them off Jehovah’s own property and territory. They talk like godless totalitarians and loudly clamor for Jehovah’s witnesses to be deported from the country, as if these witnesses were living on soil where they did not belong. In fact, they would deport them from the face of the earth. Little do they appreciate that the faithful servants of Jehovah are the only ones who now have a right to occupy the earth. God will demonstrate that right in the battle between the Lamb and the worldly nations. There Jehovah will clear the earth of these fanatical superpatriots of this world and will let only his faithful witnesses survive on earth into the new world where all creatures will pay back to God the things belonging to God.