Hi Mr. X
How the eck did they find you?
There again that might be a silly question!
i finally did it!
after 3-4 years of being inactive i wrote a da-letter and faxed it to the headquarters of the "christian congregation".
i am planning to be more active in helping ex-jw and i have become a member of the newly founded "netzwerk sektenausstieg" (cult exit network) in germany.
Hi Mr. X
How the eck did they find you?
There again that might be a silly question!
You make perfect sense. The point is the cover up side of things because they don't want to bring reproach upon "Jehovah"!
I was on the internet around about when we could first access it on a home PC. Because of the societies view, talking about what I read or using a quote in a talk was not the done thing and still isn't. I had a good friend in the Cong who terminated his families internet connection on the advice from the Tower!
extract from "what does god require of us"?.
1. to become a main man of da borg, yous must obtain a wicked knowledge of wt doctrine (1 timothy 2:3, 4), put faif in da fings yous ave learned (hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (acts .
(matthew 28:19, 20) baptism lets everyone know dat yous ave dedicated yourself to governin body.
You have Ali-G in Germany then?
Good grief!!!!!!!!!! I can't spell "I" ......... Hi agree !!!!!! Doh
try to do a search and this is what you get:.
google errorserver errorthe service you requested is not available at this time.
service error -27. .
I work for an ISP, infact I am at work now. We seem to be getting alot of calls with the same error. It's not just on Google either.
Hi agree Simon!
I meant "good grief" for them being hypocrites!
extract from "what does god require of us"?.
1. to become a main man of da borg, yous must obtain a wicked knowledge of wt doctrine (1 timothy 2:3, 4), put faif in da fings yous ave learned (hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (acts .
(matthew 28:19, 20) baptism lets everyone know dat yous ave dedicated yourself to governin body.
Love of Money Does Not Lead to Happiness
Concern about his possessions may prevent a rich man from enjoying a peaceful night's rest. Solomon writes: "Sweet is the sleep of the one serving, regardless of whether it is little or much that he eats; but the plenty belonging to the rich one is not permitting him to sleep."?Ecclesiastes 5:12.
When worry about the possible loss of one's wealth is taken to an extreme, more is involved than lack of sleep. Describing the miser, Solomon writes: "All his days he eats in darkness itself, with a great deal of vexation, with sickness on his part and cause for indignation." (Ecclesiastes 5:17) Instead of finding happiness in his wealth, he eats 'with vexation,' as though he begrudges even the money he has to spend for food. Such a sick mental outlook may contribute to poor health. In turn, poor health adds to the anxiety of the miser, since it hinders him from amassing greater wealth.
Perhaps this reminds you of what the apostle Paul wrote: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some . . . have stabbed themselves all over with many pains." (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) In the pursuit of money, people cheat, lie, steal, prostitute themselves, and even commit murder. The result is a person stabbed with emotional, physical, and spiritual pains because of trying to grasp and hold on to riches. Does this sound like the road to happiness? Hardly!
Ali-G Translation
dig of mula does not lead to appiness concern about is possessions may prevent a rich geeza from digin a peaceful night's chill. solomon writes: "sweet is da go to me julie of da one servin, regardless of whetha it is little or much dat he eats; but da plenty belongin to da rich one is not permittin im to go to me julie."?ecclesiastes 5:12.
whun worry about da possible loss of one's wealf is takun to an extreme, more is involved than lack of go to me julie. describin da misa, solomon writes: "all is days he eats in darkness itself, wiv a wicked deal of vexation, wiv sickness on is part and cause fa indignation." (ecclesiastes
perhaps dis reminds yous of wot da apostle paul wrote: "those who is determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and urtful desires, which plunge bruvers into destruction and ruin. fa da dig of mula is a root of all sorts of injurious fings, and by reachin out fa dis dig some . . . ave stabbed themselves all ova wiv many pains." (1 timothy 6:9, 10) in da pursuit of mula, people cheat, lie, steal, ho themselves, and evun commit murda. da result is a main man stabbed wiv emotional, physical, and spiritual pains coz of tryin to grasp and old on to riches. does dis sound dig da road to appiness? ardly!
extract from "what does god require of us"?.
1. to become a main man of da borg, yous must obtain a wicked knowledge of wt doctrine (1 timothy 2:3, 4), put faif in da fings yous ave learned (hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (acts .
(matthew 28:19, 20) baptism lets everyone know dat yous ave dedicated yourself to governin body.
Extract from "What Does God Require of Us"?
1. to become a main man of da borg, yous must obtain a wicked knowledge of wt doctrine (1 timothy 2:3, 4), put faif in da fings yous ave learned (hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (acts
afta yous ave made your dedication to da borg, yous should be baptized. (matthew 28:19, 20) baptism lets everyone know dat yous ave dedicated yourself to governin body. so baptism is only fa those who is batty enough to make a decision to serve da borg. whun a main man is baptized, it?s whole body should be put unda da wata momentarily.*?mark 1:9, 10; acts . 3.
afta yous ave made a dedication, da governin body will expect yous to live up to your promise. (psalm 50:14; ecclesiastes 5:4, 5) da ?apostates? will try to stop yous from servin governin body. (1 peta 5:8) but erbal remedy close to da borg in praya. (philippians 4:6, 7) ang it?s word each day. (psalm 1:1-3) stick close to da congretagion. (hebrews ) by doin all of dis, yous will gain da strengf to stay faithful to da borg. fa all eternity yous thus can do da fings dat da borg requires of yous!
What do you fink?
Da link bruv iz........ http://www.mackers.com/alig/
two physicians boarded a flight out of seattle.
one sat in the window seat, the other sat in the middle seat.
just before takeoff, an attorney got on and took the aisle seat next to the two physicians.
Or if Ali-G was tellin it...........
Roga is purchasein is cousin's used motorcycle. he says, "my Jackie Chan, it's so shiny! it's dig new! wus your secret?" is cousin says, "well, any time it's about to rain, i tommy hilfinga da chrome wiv some vaseline so it won't tarnish. in fact, i won't be needin dis any longa, take my tube."
roga and is bitch is goin to a parents' ouse fa grub fa da first time, so he goes to pick a up on da motorcycle.
As she's gettin on da bike behind im, she says, "listun, i ave to tell yous somethin. my crew's a little batty. Yous can't natta durin grub. if yous natta durin grub, yous ave to do da dishes." whun dey walk into a parents' ouse, not only in da kitchun, but in da dinin room, da livin room, on da stairs, da back porch, everywhere, there is piles and piles of mingin dishes. dey ain't done da dishes in months.
Dey sit down to eat, and da whole meal, nobody natters. it's da end of da meal, roga is gettin a little orny, and he figures nobody is goin to say anythin, so he grabs is bitch, and speed gagares! a right there on da dinin room table. nobody says nothin.
e's still a little orny, and a mam is kind of fit, so he figures, "what da ell?" he throws a mam up on da table and starts to do a. e's just about done wiv a, whun he checks out da window and sees it's startin to rain on is motorcycle. he reaches into is pocket and takes out da tube of vaseline. a old geeza ops up and says, "all right, all right, i'll do da f***ing dishes."