it's been a long time since i've visited this site.
the last time that i was here i was not allowed to participate in this forums discussions for as it was explained to me, "you dont share in our beliefs, therefore your comments, ideas, and expressions would cause conflict, and disunity among those of us who do share in the truth.
" the day i recieved the denial, i broke down in tears and prayed that jesus christ would bring down the walls of hatred and mistrust among those here and that he would allow me the blessed opportunity to some day share the joy that i have found in him.
>This group started in March of last year, and I am sure that those who have posted since day one could comment on the name in question.<
Point taken!
Was there a discu.. group before this called Jehovahs_Witness.com (note the dash position) or Jehovahs-Witness.net Jehovahs-Witness.co.uk .
The one Robert is talking about did exist and look very sim to this board not H2O.
Thanks Larc
it's been a long time since i've visited this site.
the last time that i was here i was not allowed to participate in this forums discussions for as it was explained to me, "you dont share in our beliefs, therefore your comments, ideas, and expressions would cause conflict, and disunity among those of us who do share in the truth.
" the day i recieved the denial, i broke down in tears and prayed that jesus christ would bring down the walls of hatred and mistrust among those here and that he would allow me the blessed opportunity to some day share the joy that i have found in him.
Welcome Robert,
I've just spent 20 minutes typing only to press the wrong button, my post to you as gone. I'll try again but a bit more briefly.
I feel we've had enough of the judgemental attitude of the Borg, many still display on this forum eg; can I trust anyone that is "worldly" (I hate that word) you can only trust other JW's attitude!
I'd rather trust you, you seem genuine to me. If I am proved wrong later then "oh well".
Yes I remember ManofTrueGod, I think he posted on H2O too.
Keep posting
your Bro. Qwerty
i was posting a little on the old h2o but have taking a break before going to this new room only watching for a while.
im still an active jw and elder here in europe - a long way from you in the usa and also another culture even inside the jw.
i think we in europe as jws are thinking a little different from the jws in the u.s. we dont put religious authorities as high as i think you do.
Hello Beroea
Nice of you to drop by!
I might have already told you this on H2O. I'm still active and a Ministerial Servant (of 11yrs). My wife is still for the bOrg.....anisation. What you said to start this thread off about family is the same for me too..........>
So why do we stay and not just quit tomorrow. I don’t know for all – we are in different situations. A lot of us have wife/husband and some have even children as well. Having strange thought and even serious doubts about 607/1914, GB, ECT is hard to faces and takes times – sometimes years. Even I say to my self, “I don’t believe this nonsense” my family is still there. They are afraid of all the new thoughts. Your doubts are a threat to them and the family union. So a lot of felling is a part of the discussions. So very often you just have to shout you mount and lets times go on and hope for better to come.
Glad to hear from you Bro, One more from H2O.
the elders are coming this saturday to do their yearly.
shepherding .. .
i desperatly need a couple good "questions" to throw at.
Hello You Know!
Nice to hear from you.
What's going on?
Wasn't you a Fred Hall on H2O?
hullo everybody i'm new here, even though i've been lurking now for several months.. i have to say how afraid i am to post, afraid and ashamed but i feel if i dont tell my story, i honestly dont know what may happen to me or my children if they lose me, right now i feel like i've got nowhere left to turn and have my doubts about this place as well.. i know my story will shock you but i cant keep it in any longer.
i am recently disfellowshipped for immorality, the subject of a kingdom hall witch -hunt and subsequent congregational humiliation, .
during the process of the judicial committee meetings and proceedings no consideration was given to my real human circumstances nor to the spirit of survival nor human nature nor that of a mother seeking to protect her children from lack of basic fundamentals such as food, shelter and clothing.
Don't feel down or ashamed. It's God that forgives, he alone can see that you are sorry for the immorality. Go to him in prayer, I know the harm the WTS as done. There are many if not all here effected in some way or another by the org.
You brought tears to my eyes. Please don't be affraid to post here. It is a good place for support, at what ever stage of mental reajustment we might be at.
What you have done, we won't judge you or Shun you.
Love qwerty
the elders are coming this saturday to do their yearly.
shepherding .. .
i desperatly need a couple good "questions" to throw at.
If you do slip in a few questions, make it look like you want them to help you understand and regain your "spiritual health". Don't come across as stubbornly sticking to new ideas. Let them go away and do the research (607 dates a good one), ask them to find proof for you from other secular writers for that date. Make out that you have been stumbled by say, just checking encyclopedia's.
god i hated it..every living breathing minute of it.
it was pure hell for me, and based on the pace i see the jws all over the world moving, they aint so fond of it neither.
the persecution that the jws feel they get is from irritated householders who know nothing about their religion except that they hit people over the head with it and then judge them because they dont like being hit over the head with it.
Doubtingsister hit the nail on the head for me "I hated the salesman feel to it all and I hated bothering people in the morning".
What about being blackmailed into thinking that the "work" is showing love for our fellow man, if we don't want to go out on FS it shows a lack of love on our part! That sucks as far as I am concerned. I found it very difficult to cultivate this forced love. Breaking free from having to go along with the guilt trips at the KH really helps. That since not viewing everyone out side the bOrg as worldly, fit for death if they don't listen, but that they are just fellow human beings, with imperfections, perhaps better Christian than myself (although they might not view themselves as such). I found I have cultivated real love for people (proper love, effection for straingers) since knowing the TRUTH. Does this ring true for any of you?
Thank you Kindly (Due South Class)
brits v yanks.
this is just for laughs, but let's be honest us brits are most definately ahead of our 'cousins' across the water in the credibility stakes.. i'll kick us off and see where we go;.
[1] the beautiful game.. it's called football.
Someone might have already done this one but....anyway
We have classic comedy,
Only Fools and Horses
Last of the Summer Wine
It ain't Half Hot Mum
Some Mothers Do have Em
Faulty Towers
The Good Life
UK - 6(+) USA - 2
so i get this envelope in the mail.
i know it's, like, apostate stuff.
because it doesn't fall to the floor after coming through the letter box.. inside is an invitation:.
Thanks Expat, very funny.
<------ to you!