bboyneko said
My standing right now is I am not christian..after all I researched i cocnluded the bible is a very flawed book, tainted by centuries of peoples medling with it and molding it into what they wish. It;s just another book to me, no holier than the ingredient list on my box of kellog's corn pops. Jesus lived, but to me he is just a man, a follower of another man, john the baptist.
I respect that you have done your research, the dead sea scrolls study sound interesting, is there a web site you used?
However it's a shame (to me) that you did not remain a Christian, because at the same time many men and women have done the same in deapth study, which rather then it weaken their faith it as had the opposite effect.
Then there are ones become born again Christian's. They have a personnel relationship with Jesus, they know him like a close friend. This is the type thing that can not be studied, because we can not experience a persons feelings for them.
slipnslidemaster said......
I couldn't agree with JT more or have said it any better.after a combined 60+ yrs between my wife and i we have decided to take a break for religion, bible and god
after yrs of arguing over this Greek word and that greek word we feel we need a break
Again there are one's who have studied Hebrew and Greek. This as served to strengthen their faith in the Bible, their religion and God.
In the end I feel there is more to this life then meets the eye. I am a Christian so I believe in the creator. When I sit back I can not see how the intricate design of all things can possibly come about by chance. There are always arguments and counter arguments. For every answer there is always someone there with a counter-answer. In fact you can get to the stage where you feel like this.........
"I have an existential map; it has 'you are here' written all over it. "
- Steven Wright