Just follow Gadets replies, see how many have glass!
Maybe it's to stop Valis from looking in!!!!!
this may be a question that has been answered millions of times but i've seen it in alot of posts lately.. why don't the kh have windows?
what is their bible-based answer for this one?
Just follow Gadets replies, see how many have glass!
Maybe it's to stop Valis from looking in!!!!!
what is everyone so afraid of?
none of these arse holes can bother you afterwards, its been great.
1914 & XQsThaiPoes
I am not DF or DA. If I wasn't for being married to a JW I would have DA ages ago.
This way if or when the time comes and other local JW's need someone to talk too about their doubts, they can talk to me without having to be under the cover of darkness!
Why oh why did I still jump, when I knew what was going to happen?
Gumby you B***er!
hey everyone.. i've been "out" for about six months now, fully enjoying life for the first time in a very long time.
part of my joy comes from the freedom i now have to explore other spiritualities.. i will say, though, that since leaving i've felt something lacking in my life.
not because i regret my decision to leave.
With Reboot on that one!
Just made an herb garden too>>>
Just got to use them.
after reading cyber-sister's post about a jw who knocked on her door, i thought it might be a good idea to talk about preparing ourselves for the almost inevitable time when a jw will try to "preach to us" and try to get us to return.. like cyber-sister i met a jw fairly recently who immediately started preaching to me.
she said jehovah had removed his holy spirit from me and that is why i can't see the "truth".
at the time i was taken unawares and didn't really know what to say, apart from that i don't believe it anymore.
I didn't know your Mum and Dad etc had cut you off!
Good luck to you with him mate.
we've learned so much about each other and i thought i'd toss this out atcha.....
i'm five feet tall (or short---however you see it :-) and wondering how tall you are!
5' 8" but I could have shrank since last time I measured myself.
Always wanted to be a bit taller though!
i finally did it!
after 3-4 years of being inactive i wrote a da-letter and faxed it to the headquarters of the "christian congregation".
i am planning to be more active in helping ex-jw and i have become a member of the newly founded "netzwerk sektenausstieg" (cult exit network) in germany.
So Farkel had alot to do with your down fall then?! LOL.
at your local kingdom hall?
if so, please post your favorites!.
Yep I luvvvvvved to wear ladies cloths to da meetings!
extract from "what does god require of us"?.
1. to become a main man of da borg, yous must obtain a wicked knowledge of wt doctrine (1 timothy 2:3, 4), put faif in da fings yous ave learned (hebrews 11:6), repent of your sins (acts .
(matthew 28:19, 20) baptism lets everyone know dat yous ave dedicated yourself to governin body.
Good one Pleasuredome..............
i finally did it!
after 3-4 years of being inactive i wrote a da-letter and faxed it to the headquarters of the "christian congregation".
i am planning to be more active in helping ex-jw and i have become a member of the newly founded "netzwerk sektenausstieg" (cult exit network) in germany.
You could have given your old address!?