What is everyone so afraid of? Git-er-dun and go on. None of these arse holes can bother you afterwards, its been great.
disfellowship me again
by 1914 15 Replies latest jw friends
What's everyone afraid of? Well, for starters, maybe they're afraid of losing family members - parents, children, spouses. Most people do, in fact, prefer to have some contact with their kin for the sake of love, emotional support and - in the case of youngsters - financial support as well. You make it sound as if getting disfellowshiped were like going to a dentist's appointment or having a much-needed haircut. Your attitude is so flippant and cavalier; it makes me think that you are so sort of troll. Many people find themselves absolutely incapable of stating - "It's been great" - after they leave, or are expelled from, the Watchtower cult. I cannot believe that you don't know of the horrific consequences that many people suffer when they are disfellowshiped or disassociate themselves. Many a marriage has been detroyed when a man or woman decided to leave the cult. Many a youth has wound up living with freinds or worse, living on the streets. And even if a person has no family in the cult, what invariably winds up happening is that they lose the friendship of people whom they have known and loved for five, ten, twenty or even more years. It is very easy to get pulled into the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. However, it is almost always extremely difficult to extricate onself out of this trap. Being a Jehovah's Witness is a way of life, a way of life in which a person soon finds him/herself engulfed in a quagmire. So, please don't state: "Hurry up and get it done." It's well nigh impossible to leave this cult without being inflicted with great pain and emotional torment. For some, it's too much. They kill themselves. This is because the "arseholes" who run this cult are able to exert a horribly strong and negative influence over people even, and especially, after they leave the sect.
I argee with 1914. It is a boogy man made up to scare JWs and encourage good behavior. It is the JW version of hellfire. "If you sin you'll get disfellowshiped then people won talk to you " It only works because Jws make their fishbowl so small that they are totally alone when they are disfellowshiped.
When I left in 1999 I lost all my "friends"
of which none ever became friends again.
The reason I don't da myself is to still
have some contact with my daughters.
You can't just state do it or don't.Everyone has his or her own reasons.
I myself don't give a rat's ass about what the
Borg does to me. I do care however about
my relation with my kids.my 2 0.01$
What is everyone so afraid of?
I dunno- maybe they are afraid of losing the person who gave birth to them over some dumb rule made up by some guys selling magazines and making rules at the same time.
I've never been a JW. I have seen the affect of it on people I love.
Maybe they are afraid of losing the connection to the person who put a band-aid on their knee when they fell out of the tree trying to climb it with the neighborhood friends on a Saturday afternoon.
Oh yeah, that's right- they weren't climbing that tree because they were forced into something that caused them to be out in "service" instead.
So maybe they are afraid of what all of that means to them and who they are - now that they've learned it's all a bunch of bullshit.
What's to be afraid of?
That there is a "religion" out there that will mess with the very core of a PERSON in order to control every fiber of their being.
THAT is scary.
ya know what is even more scary? Information. The real truth. In the WTS' own words. The stranglehold this horrible organization has had on people in the past is over. You can't keep people from the internet and the information age. Not if you also want them to use it for your own purpose. You've lost the last and the following generations because your doctrine belies itself and it's easily proven.
It's only a matter of time.
1914 & XQsThaiPoes
I am not DF or DA. If I wasn't for being married to a JW I would have DA ages ago.
This way if or when the time comes and other local JW's need someone to talk too about their doubts, they can talk to me without having to be under the cover of darkness!
One great poster here, SF Jim, said for his 25th anniversary of his being DF'd, he wants to meet with the elders and get re-disfellowshipped all over again.
fleaman uk
What a stupid thing to say 1914,i have seen the great emotional harm done to people who are disfellowshipped,the feelings of loneliness,depression,suicidal thoughts etc...to say yeah go get de,fed is stupid,stupid and pointless!
I think all of you have valid points, up to a point. (No pun intended.)
I think what ?1914? means is that if someone is in a position to be able to DA him/herself or get him/herself DF?d without being unmanageably affected by repercussions of the separation from family and friends, then, yeah, he/she might as well just get it done. If someone no longer agrees with the WT doctrines and wants to exit, then he/she knows that he/she will end up exiting anyway, so, in that case, what really is there to stop him/her from taking that step?
If, on the other hand, it would not be to someone?s advantage (for the above-mentioned reason) to go ahead and just ?get it done,? then he/she should weigh the pros and cons of any such decision, and it may be that he/she would have to bide his/her time until such decision could be accomplished with the least pain for all concerned (i.e., a responsibly-planned ?fade?).
So, if it?s going to be done, it?s going to be done. It?s just a matter of when and how.
I agree with ?1914? that once someone has already been DA?d or DF?d, then at least he/she no longer has anything to fear from any arse holes he/she fled from back ?on the other side? (referring, of course, to any arse holes which he/she considers legitimately worthy of arse hole status). I mean, it must be glorious to have the freedom of having taken that step of exiting and not have to give a damn about those we would not care to.
It's kind of tough doing the fade thing. I sympathize with anyone that has to, because it was a great releif off my shoulders when I wrote my letter and was DA'd. I have not regretted that decision.