Fuck non vilation take downs. Or any take down for that matter. We are supose to have free speach and freedom. How are we to acheave this is people who have difrent opinions are deleted!
JoinedPosts by supernerdboy
Does the WT have spies here?
by logical1 indoes bethel have spies here that are exempt from the "no looking at apostate material" in order to "protect" the org?
their job is to view apostate material so they can find out who they can send copyright infringement claims to?.
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
I could have started a similer post asking. Prove to me santa exists. Or how about, there are books that say zeus are gods, did they exist and when will they come back. On the same topic; does god exist? ;-)
Stories you've heard from what makes one believe they are 'anointed'.
by EndofMysteries init's funny, how the bible describes it is far different from those i had spoken with or heard about.
let's all start listing the many different stories.
i'll start.
Ya, I ment this one guy who said he has a "Itch" Behind his ear and that that is the sign that jesus is with him. This guy is insane, when door to door he talls people that are not intrested that they will die in armegeden. He also uses strange voices while he is at the door. Saying things like get out of bed its 10 o clock.
Merchandising in Watchtower
by indicetj.com in.
merchandising in watchtower?.
look ilustration no 100. http://indicetj.com/pdf/estudo_2_jehovah.htm.
No hoblo espanyol/costellono! What are we looking for, the two people talking at the door?
I am sure the info can be extracted from recent yearbook's of JW's. If I remember, I will look at the charts when I get home.
Worst Thing Youve Done In A Meeting?
by chuckie77 inwhats the worst thing youve done during a meeting?
years ago, when i was a bit more wicked/naughty/younger than i am now, i thought i would take some drugs just prior to the meeting to see if it would make things any more interesting.
it didnt, but at least i enjoyed the kingdom melodies tapping my foot to the beat and bopping my head!!
Lol this thread is hysterical.
Masturbated in the bathroom 3 times at KH. (I always have had a tremendously good visual memory, and creative/artistic visual mind)
Pretended the microphone I was handling was a light-saber from star wars, and that I was a sith lord killing the brothers I did not like.
Also imagined that a sister was holding it as if it were a dildo. She looked like she was polishing it.
Had wondering eye syndrome.
I always drew on my convention program without fail.
I almost never studied. Now that my dad is requiring it, I am just looking for buzzwords and underline the statment they are in. I can study in about 3 minuts.
Donated about 500$ in my life to them. (could have a new video card if I would have saved it)
Masturbated in a car-group while the driver and Sister beside me were at the door doing a study. The sister in front of me was elderly. You might ask why. I was horny staring at the sexy sister with a tight dress at the door.
Things I did outside hall: Wore a dress on cross dressing day at school, laughter at a friends prayer, because he had an awesome accent. Went to prom. Blamed are dog for braking a glass table when relay I tried killing a fly with a baseball bat. Masturbated in a car while my mom was getting her checkup for birth control. I learned what masturbation was from the young people ask book, which was what gave me the idea to try it while I was starting to go into purity. (they say it is to stop the practice, IRONIC) Stared at a witness girl who whore immodest clothing to school. I played awful videogames (Crysis, started playing doom, WOW, Ext) Watched Lord of the rings with my sister, loved star-wars even though it is "Demonic". Watched avatar a second time after hearing the CO say that is was a horrible Hindu movie. Contemplated suicide. Know that I know the source of all my stress I feel much better. Though I am currently an Atheist, I still feel that Jesus words "You can not slave for to masters" are vary applicable. I hope that I can enjoy a full time job now that I do not have a second mast other then myself.
WT study article for April 30-6 "Help People to Awake from Sleep"
by thecrushed ini found this article to be quite ironic!
here is the pdf for the lesson http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/w_e_20120315.pdf.
i had to endure this at the kh today and wondered if everyone would like to have fun picking the mind control and other nonsense out of this lesson.
I had to go to that meetring today. SUCKED!
How Did/Has the WTBTS Affected Your Social Skills?
by ABibleStudent ingood or bad?
how did/has the wtbts affected your social skills, social development, and/or how you interact with other people?
i have many questions about different social skills that i will ask either after other people post to this thread or to keep this thread active.
Well I learned how to read well at from the motivation of being in the "TMschool". Other then that it teaches you not to have an open mind. For instance I always felt gays wer ^$%#(* fags, now that I am leaving I just dont know, mabe are world would be better if we exept them.
Hello... this is me and my story...
by jamir ini was raised as a jw, baptized in a 1998 district convention, somewhere in portugal.. studying with jws had some positive things (not many... just a few).
i learned to read before going to school and developed this excelent skill of reading, interpreting and resuming texts.
i was an excellent student.. as a teenager my life sucked (and i considered it a "privilege" at that time) because i simply couldn't enjoy these best years of my life, because had to avoid all contact with people of my age (there were no young people in my congregation) so i lived the best years of my life as a "forever alone".
Welcome to the forum bro. Hope your wife will wake up. Best of wises. For me I am manly worried about my best friend told him he said he would not tell, but that I shou "tell the elders that I have a crysis of faif so that they can (study with me[brain wash me] privetly)" fortenently most of my family hate wtbts and I will just loose my parents and my sisters, my dad is a jurk and my mom is a selfriches nob that is overly crriticle. You have got it bad man, I am relly glad you nolonger have a dodgmatic belefe in the bible. Many people leave wtbts for anouther cult which is sad. Hope you get trough it.
Does anyone know when the WTS is leaving Brooklyn?
by okage ini used to live in brooklyn as a kid.
as a teen, i've bounced all around new england.
now i'm in texas.
I do know that they now have a site in warwick NY. people cept on telling me that I needed to aply to be an equipment operater. I told them that they only need crane operaters and I am not certifed for that. They then told me that they will asighn me were I am needed. I would only ever want to go to construction if I was an operator or paid well. When it gets completed I have no clue, I am just glad I am not there.