Back when I was still in I asked a lot of people if god lot the war of the 2 3rds of heaven and saten now was the ruler would you still serve god even thou8gh you would die for it. We serve god becouse we want somthing in return not becouse god is good he has done satonic things if you wikk, If the bible is true about got it is becouse god lost and saten is the real ruler, who rewrote the bible.
Also here is a logical falicy. It goes in a loop of lies: God is love. God is a jelelus god who grags many times. Love does not brag does not get puffed up... is not jelus.... Counterdiction if you ever did see one. Fuck the the bible. (is it ok to use words like that here mr S? Kind of like to put one in every so often to remind myself that I am free now and that I should not feel gulty about such things. Now I just need to decide if I want to stay a virgon.