I feel for you.
Glad your mom is not shunning you!
it appears to be a mirror of this site, discussions on the forum and all, except in a different format.. is this under construction?
it has some nice features--including the advertisements not being so intrusive.. just doesn't let you log in and post (yet?)..
Much needed update. What softwere is it running on? Did you do most of the coding yourself? I am sure it adds some much needed features.
first up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
Um. Let me see... It helped me to be a 21 year old virgin, not sure if that is a good thing? So ya, not much. Had a hard child hood. Servurly behind on education, and other things. So most of all I am mad at wt and mom/dad! happy new years though.
well it has been an interesting year for me; some heartache; some growth; and a lot of change.
regardless of where we are on our journey away from the jehovahs witnesses we will be confronted with opportunities to learn and grow.
we dont know where life will take us.
just wanted to wish everyone here a happy new year!
i've always found it funny the reasons why we couldn't celebrate new years and now i've pretty much forgotten.. something about paganism and blah blah blah no part of this world blah blah satan likes it blah blah it makes jehovah sad you know the rest!.
anyway to another year of being awake to ttatt!.
well it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
i would like to see richard dawkins assume control.. he'd shake those paedophile loving twats up!.
"I don't know, but maybe a serial killer at the headquarters would solve the problems. OK. just kidding. Richard Dawkins would be great." I think a serial killer sitting in on it would do the trick but also a islomic bomber would work as well. As far as good men go... Richard Dawkins, first thing he would do is put a retraction on the crap that is in the evolution brocher and apoligize for it. Then start using logic all over the place tell no one is sleeping!
thanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
with respect to the watchtower, can we learn anything from this class action lawsuit?
what is your reaction after reading this landmark decision in favor of sexual abuse victims?
i do not know if class actioin lawsuit from those contemplating to sue the watchtower society of jehovah's witnesses will learn a page from this good news.. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/11/19/judge-approves-123m-settlement-in-lawsuit-over-del-pediatrician-sexual-abuse/ .
she now says that she is proud i am doing what i think is right and not just livihng a double life.
and say although she is not supose to she does not see any harm in seing me covertly.
she also says that my best friend was freaked out and that maybe he will start emailing me now, maybe, which they are the two i diud not want to shun me.