How can you guys not tell this is a joke? Look up Mark Dice, man on the street mondays. Or even look at other Triumph episodes on Hulu. A lot of Americans are stupid, and are trained to trust authority figures. You can walk up with a mic and a fancy cameraman and you can get people to act like they are in the loop with lots of fake news. Also you can go to places you know are filled with mind washed or stupid people. A KH would be a good place to start, so would a beach when most productive people are at work. You could also go into a "safe space" and find lots of dumb liberals. Does not prove a thing. You can also only show the dembest people. What the video OP posted did most likely was ask stupid questions to the trump supporters, and only the ones that sound brainless get to go into the room to see the fake videos.
To save democracy you need to prevent it from being bought. (Stop paying people to vote democrat ) Which will make both main party's seem retarded. Right now Democrats seem so crazy that people actually vote republican which is also crazy. (and visa versa) It is the lesser evil. Then we need to get rid of first pass the post voting. Then we need to actually follow the constitution of the republic of the USA. The people need to be more involved in the government. Nobody wants to vote 3rd party because A:News makes you think that a single president can ruin everything and that they can not win. Most vote for the other party you like better. Both sides hate the other nominee. But they both are liars. Both would be bad for the country in some degree. B: Everyone else falls for A so they think a 3rd party has no chance of winning. This becomes a self fulfilling feedback loop. C: Everyone is quite about them. They do not allow 3rd party candidates into the debates unless 15 of Americans already want to vote for said party. But in the primary's even people with less then 1% in the polls were let in. D: People are slaves and stupid in general. Most people will just vote for who the people they like say they are voting for. Because most people do not get out and debate, they vote for who there favorite blogger, SM poster, or news agent says they should.
I like Jill better than Johnson, however I like his platform way more then I like the green party. I will not be voting for ether. I hope we get someone in the party lead slot that actually cares about liberty and SMALL government. They want people in office that will make the government bigger. They add 40K laws or so a year. You think that makes you more free? No, it goes from individual freedom to collective group think and or a dictatorship. German at one time was free, but then well you know the story. Same with china, and other places. Always ether a coup or a slow progression to evil.
Till we get more news talking about freedom instead of Hillery emails and KimK's ass, the idiots who watch that crap will keep voting loyalty to there big government party's. Free the minds and you free the nation.